Saturday, April 11, 2015



By: Rene Helmerichs, former college teacher
Written: Friday 13th, February 2015

“mental illness occurs when the conscious will of the individual deviates substantially from the will of God, which is the individual’s own unconscious will” = Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D., The Road Less Travelled pp.282-3.

1.      Dear Student, I’m writing this for your sake and mine. You may have wondered what your teachers haven’t told you, so be sure you won’t enjoy the mental ride.

2.      Life isn’t fair, you may have thought. Did you know that it can be? If you didn’t know, and now come to know, then getting from one the other is only willingness. Willingness is always for that not exclusive gain.

3.      No one has pointed out to you that there’s only one kind of honesty. Because there is just one kind of honesty, honesty is literally consistency but with always harm to none.

4.      Intent for harm is the inconsistency in the living state that is total honesty. Total means More Than, so consistency is actually constancy in Too Much.

5.      Beyond honesty exists the realm of the absurd.

6.      Mental Health is big in the news at the moment. Absurd is precisely for students to think anyone understands Mind better than the experiencer of thinking, if thinking is to originate in mind. Anyone pushing a pill on you in the pretense of mental health is professing the absurd, unless the pill is to be with mind to affect the cause of whatever is claimed to be absurd thinking. And THAT is manna for thought.

7.      Students, while you wander about anything at all, whether the struggles of addition, and multiplying vectors, or how a book like The Diagnostic And Statistics Manual can claim to categorize behaviours into mental illness groups, you are using your mind. But what is it you are using? And definitely don’t ask what you are to be using what you cannot identify, except maybe to agree to call It Mind.

8.      Does the brain think, or does it merely process thought for your body? Are you your body, or with More Than? Perhaps the only question you need to ask yourself is where you are.

9.      You are in a relative reality. Relative Reality means everything is always changing, Everything. If everything is always changing, then so too is your concept of yourself, including whatever you think of when you think of you or the mind you think you’re using to read.

10. There is no such thing as a straight line in a relative reality because the very nature of the concept of straight is always changing. The paradox is solved only with understanding not that the line does not exist, but that both ends of the line are continuously joined, except in the place of not.

11. Not is the only word the mind does not understand, because Mind itself is ever constantly thinking even when a person is thinking about nothing. Advertisers, and especially movie stars and politicians, understand the concept of not as “there’s no such thing as bad advertising” while Government Of Ontario folk might say “if I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck. Blessed be one to know all luck if ignorance for Common Law.”

12. The place of Not is literally Time and Space. Time is considered linear yet you move through it.

13. You are with a present moment able to perceive symbols for reading to understand yourself still in a moment of real-time having accompanied you in your slide along the mental tangent this text suggests. Because you know yourself to be reading, or perceiving, continuously, you have not noticed not having furthered the space in your mind, because of the constancy.

14. Time is actually an ordered precession of gaps in thinking, so minute they are not perceived except when pooled into groups of thinking and painted with difference that one group appears odd to the other and neither, Not Either, perceives Both as Same. If Not Either were the opposite of Both, then it could itself not exist. As it is, where two are joined in solemn LIVING agreement everything is possible because there exists More Than. What is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

15. A living anything is simply the bestowed agreement to retain that anything in, with, flexibility of dynamically changing constancy, Every relative reality is dynamically changing all ways. A table does have a life of It’s Own, its natural cycle is larger than that of our finite physical life.

16. John Dewey has been credited as a father of modern education. Did you know schools were originally made to create productive government workers? Can you see the irony of needing to make a rigid structure to mask the fact that time itself is perfectly ordered?

17. Do clocks abide the same incremental length of a second, or not? If not is not understanding and a dynamic environment is constantly changing, where is your mind?

18. Your mind is clearly with you, but can you perceive the whole of a picture with only yourself in time if time is a concept IN your mind?

19. The gap of understanding that you are not your body is the same one that causes you to think you need to learn anything at all BECAUSE I know that I exist eternally and I am asking YOU to join with me in the simple agreement.

20. The simple agreement is, simply, that in a place where everything is always changing, no one can be absolutely sure of but one thing AND that One Thing is precisely that everything is ALWAYS changing, meaning that there exists an exception to every conceivable rule, and that we both already have eternal life but recognize it not.

21. The simple agreement leads directly into the realization that Heaven AND Hell co-exist as Eternal states but that Heaven releases while Hell is simply confusion for what release means.

22. Release is understanding, only understanding, but understanding is not known except with demonstrated action because, of course in miracles, understanding is of and living, and living is not stagnation.

23. Understanding is not understood except with personal realization to bring about the conviction earmarking the desired self-confidence to say to anyone “Do you see I have no need but for that our Me provides me?”

24. I am a projection of your unconscious, you are a projection of mine. We are both unconscious to ourselves and cannot continue to think of any as disordered except with want to hide ourselves in perfect order.

25. Since honesty is consistency, inconsistency is the want to hide for fear of harm.

26. Harm is the not understood change to our self-concept that cannot be anticipated except with sweeping generality to say we are all on separate mental tangents attempting to remember the bang that sets seeming differences as not parts in More Than for Too Much.

27. Physical harm is a masked fear, as all fear seeks always to hide and harm; upset, self-aggrandizement, or the promotion of confusion are its common off-spring.

28. The Honest State matters of fact plainly and tends to observe keenly, being good students for their natural propensity to learn A Course In Miracles in their own way, on their own time, with joy at the friendships they do therein forever find.

29. In this world, school is a formal learning system for understanding structure. Understanding is itself never limited to any classroom situation, making school a very valuable personal learning device.

30. Be nice, follow your heart, but always re-member only thoughts for harm to none can be eternal and what is not eternal is plainly the absurdity of thinking a pill cares how you feel.

31. If a pill cannot comprehend how you feel, how ever do you expect that it will ever become able to alter your thinking for understanding?

32. Classically, pill-pushers were known as witch-doctors. Nowadays they’re called psychiatrists with Mental Health nurses as dutiful brain-washed aides.

33. Case in point for the fraud that is all psychiatry is revealed in the utter insanity of courts for law bestowing the right to determine someone fit to receive trial to a psychiatrist in exclusively NOT AUDIO RECORDED mental assessments.

34. Stand with me students to challenge the blatant corruption at The City Of Barrie courthouse having denied us the right to have psychiatrists charged and arrested for forcibly injecting us on allegations of a criminal offence. HOW MANY MORE OF US SHALL BE SO CONVICTED?! IT IS THE CRIMINAL CODE DEFINITION OF 269.1(b) TORTURE!

35. Stand with me that YOU TOO need not waste years of your life realizing nothing you learned in school means a damn if lawyers and witnesses are let to lie in court! Why does The Ontario Government pay its attorneys for dishonesty?? THERE IS BUT ONE KIND OF HONESTY!!!

36. Stand with me and SEE the 6 Nov. 2014 police video statement where The Ontario Provincial Police admit the gross disservice psychiatrists do.


38. Then see the remainder of this blog for all the evidence anyone needs to know how corrupt Liaqat Ali and Anjana Chawla on behalf of The Ministry For Health And Long-Term Care for Ontario, in their calloused confusion, actually are.

39. SEE THE 6 NOV 2014 OPP VIDEO. Contact Daniel Lesperance for directions to a copy until I have one posted on YouTube.

40. CONTINUE TO Schedule A of court application. Dr. Rene Helmerichs. Most Honesty Me, in Our Doctorate.

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