Friday, July 24, 2015

Discrepancies Between Intent And Practice For The Choice

Title: Discrepancies Between Intent And Practice For The Choice

This petition follows implicit agreement that whatever defines mind or the Criminal Code of Canada definitions of mental disorder, “the disease of the mind”, ultimately determines whether creative moral advocacy earmarks criminal insanity since a thinking brain negates concept for an eternal origin of inspiration and whatever assumes expert authority for defining “moral wrong” in the court of law context becomes, literally, supreme to all enactments incorporating the term “mind”.

Psychiatrists mentally bully the economically disadvantaged. Drs. Liaqat Ali and Anjana Chawla had Rene Helmerichs forcibly injected on presumption of criminal guilt for advertising honesty without trial in Canada. Not respecting honesty, psychiatrist Gunter Wolfgang Lorberg insisted he works at “Central North Correctional Psychiatry” where he kept Mr. Helmerichs in solitary confinement for 16 months thereafter. Judge Mr. Mulligan ruled psychiatric evidence not to be permitted for C-13-205-SCJ courtroom defense when finally the criminal matter was tried. The prosecution originally asked for just 45 days incarceration. At the next attempt for redress, C-14-3928-OCJ, Mr. Helmerichs was again ordered for moral assessment to Waypoint Centre where psychiatrists again refuse to be recorded. Unbelievably, Waypoint chief psychiatrist James Leslie Karagianis attributed the desire for audio-recording assessments to mental illness in court for C-14-6966-OCJ on the record at Barrie on 3 July 2015.

No statement can be truly verified without recording and psychiatrists are not immune to mental disorder. After over 100 self-represented court appearances, psychiatric assertion that Rene Helmerichs is not fit to self-represent for insisting Government Accountability Now at is self-aggrandizing. Are we to let psychiatrists, who stereotype individuals akin to keloid placement, continue to command social injustice?

Main petition:
We, the undersigned, desiring a loving culture without boarders, recognize our environment to be always changing such that always exists but only as singular not exclusive real-time eternal life and therefore petition The American Psychiatric Association to adopt the A Course In Miracles Clarification Of Terms equinibus definition for mind-spirit from (free PDF from following the Canadian detour into Mormon insanity.

(Thank you to the Mormon Community Of Christ for their help with this petition at . “Perfect love casts out fear.” –Kris Judd, “God has no name.” –acim, W-L184.)

Government Accountability Now

15 July 2015 LSUC confirmed received


    TO: The Ministry Of Health And Long-Term Care, MHLTC, for Ontario, Canada
    CC: Law Society Of Upper Canada, LSUC-2015-169169 against Kathryn Hull
    CC: College Of Physicians And Surgeons for Ontario, CPSO
    RE: Psychiatric malpractice of Mr. Liaqat Ali and Ms. Anjana Chawla
    By: Rene Helmerichs
    Written: 21 June 2015 updated 23 July 2015   

    Table Of Contents:

2.      ATTENTION MPP ERIC HOSKINS, Minister referenced in para. 52:
You are official public. The contents of this document disgrace our public office while we permit decision-makers within the MHLTC to disgrace social justice for mental hellth. This document supports the global petition at .

3.      ATTENTION BRIDGET QUESNELLE, of Waypoint Centre For Mental Health Care:
Thank you for confirming receipt of para. 4 to 72 in person on 26 June 2015. Manager of psychiatric patient rights advocates,, is herewith requested to petition Patrick Griffith, Linda Thompson, Beverley Clarke, and Mr. Rajender Kumar of Accreditation Canada. It cannot be tolerated that psychiatrists rely on an inaccurate record for assessments their managers insist are to be conducted exclusively off the record. Waypoint Centre refusal to assist correction of serious errors contravenes the very foundation of a public accreditation system.

4.      With respect to Rene Helmerichs and the singular argument propelling The Choice Amidst The Argument In The Business Of our argument, The principal error in need of correction is the community treatment order, CTO, issued at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, RVH, in Barrie on 30 Oct. 2012 presumably under MHA subsection 33.1(1) while conditions under subsection 33.1(4), and preceding obligations of related acts, were not met. 

5.      Psychiatrist Ms. Anjana Chawla issued the CTO.  Mental Health Act subsection 33.9(2) states "The first review must be undertaken during the third year after the date on which subsection 33.1(1) comes into force."  The third year ends 29 Oct. 2015 necessitating this correction to occur expeditiously notwithstanding the unreasonable delay already occurred.


6.      The Statement in dispute is the intent of that recorded on page 8 of 11 of the Waypoint 5 Feb 2015 forensic Psychosocial Assessment report speaking to the 30 Oct 2012 discharge from Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, RVH, under the CTO: "Discharge diagnosis: 'Most likely schizoaffective disorder, substance abuse, rule out schizoid personality disorder.'"

7.      There are six distinct categories revealing unlawful the intent and related actions of the two principal psychiatrists, Mr. Liaqat Ali and Ms. Anjana Chawla, during and preceding the short period of community treatment order effect, 30 Oct. 2012 to 28 Nov. 2012:
1.      The Criminal Arrest Of 3 Sept. 2012;
2.      Diagnostic And Statistics Manual Culture-Related Diagnostic Issues;
3.      Mistaking "delusions of grandiosity and persecution";
4.      Errors specific to The Substitute Decisions Act (1992)
5.      Corrections under The Mental Health Act (1990)
6.      With The Personal Health Information Protection Act (2004)

(1) The Criminal Arrest Of 3 Sept. 2012 (para. 8-12)

8.      Record of the Criminal arrest on 3 Sept. 2012 is found in the Waypoint 5 Feb 2015 forensic assessment report on page 8 of 11:
    Mr. Helmerichs had become "obsessed" with a lady and he began to pursue her for approximately one year prior to his initial charges which resulted when Mr. Helmerichs approached police with a bag of marijuana asking to be arrested.

9.      The police report of arresting Barrie police officer Sergeant Doug Henderson dated 3 Sept. 2012 confirms the arrest to have been for possession of marijuana and a contradictory report of detective Brian Read dated 4 Sept. 2012 reveals the arrest to have been for allegations of criminal harassment adding also suspicion of bomb threat for 100s of emails vaguely sited in a report of 1 Sept. 2012.  The allegations of Criminal Harassment are not directly mentioned in the 1 Sept. 2012 report of detective Tanya Lynch and completely omitted in the 31 Aug 2012 report of Barrie police constable #4755 Watt.  Criminal Harassment was alleged to one Ms. Natalie Yewchyn, treasurer of The Mormon Community Of Christ at Barrie, and pastor Mr. Matthew Swain at the time.

10. A Criminal Code arrest precludes the arrest under Mental Health Act, MHA, s. 17.  Evidenced is an unlawful inconsistency between written and practiced law in actions of The Ministry Of Community Safety And Correction Services, MCSCS, for Ontario.  Mr. Helmerichs had "approached police asking to be arrested" states Mr. Helmerichs to have peacefully instigated the arrest notwithstanding accuracy of the additional 5 Feb 2015 forensic report statement:
    Police asked why he wanted to be arrested and Mr. Helmerichs allegedly replied that 'being arrested was the final part of his plan before he could claim his kingdom.  He needed to be arrested to become the king of Canada and the world and that he would not be able to unite all churches until he was arrested.'

11. MHA s. 17 provides "Where a police officer has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a person is acting or has acted in a disorderly manner and... and that it would be dangerous to proceed under section 16, the police officer may take the person in custody to an appropriate place for examination by a physician."  However, section 16 is also in place to remind of the "limits of the jurisdiction of the justice", which The Criminal Code defines, essentially, as the judicial court process and The Constitution of Canada in section 52(1) ensures to be supreme to The Mental Health Act.

12.  It is an irreparable violation of the first section of our Constitution and the integrity of a free and democratic society when police are permitted to circumvent fair Criminal process with arrest and incarceration into a hospital at presumption of criminal guilt, as occurred for the Criminal arrest on 3 Sept 2012.  One who voluntarily approaches police to be taken into custody is not only NOT a risk to public safety, therewith does NOT constitute a MHA s. 17 "person", but is also demonstrably verifying the minimal self-awareness necessary for The Operating Mind Test, in the annotations to Constitution s. 7 in our judicial edition of Martin's Criminal Code 2014, legally obliging fair trial before declaration of criminal incapability or the process itself is self-defeating.

(2) Diagnostic And Statistics Manual Culture-related Diagnostic Issues (para. 13-26)

13. Schizoaffective disorder is an incorrect diagnosis for grounds stated in The American Psychiatric Association, APA, Diagnostic And Statistics Manual, DSM, the very book establishing the criteria for issuance of the diagnosis.

14. Under subheading "Culture-related Diagnostic Issues" on page 108 of the current DSM, V, for Schizoaffective Disorder:
    Cultural and socioeconomic factors must be considered, particularly when the individual and the clinician do not share the same cultural and economic background.  Ideas that appear to be delusional in one culture (e.g., witchcraft) may be commonly held in another.

15. An abridgement for the culture of students, especially teachers as students, for A Course In Miracles adhere is necessary for understanding culture-related diagnostic issues.  Clarification of disorders founded upon Schizophrenia libel continues on page 103 of DSM-V:
    In some cultures, visual or auditory hallucinations with a religious content (e.g., hearing God's voice) are a normal part of religious experience.

16. A Course In Miracles, the combined student Text-Workbook-Manual-For-Teachers with Clarification Of Terms and two supplements, is officially available from The Foundation For Inner Peace at .  A Course In Miracles is not a religion, per se, but a means of conversion from personal theology into universal experience.  It discretely converts thought processes from misperceived choice into the acceptance for willingness of common truly limitless purpose, before understanding all space and time never was.  Its introduction speaks for itself:
    This is a course in miracles.  It is a required course.  Only the time you take it is voluntary.  Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum.  It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time.  The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.  It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance.  The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.  This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.
17. To understand the nature of A Course In Miracles, its source must be considered lest the reader misperceive the intent to be the dawning of a cult(ure) advocating only One World Peace-without-war.  From its preface:
    A Course in Miracles began with the sudden decision of two people to join in a common goal; their names were Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City....  Helen, the one who received the material, describes herself:
    Psychologist, educator, conservative in theory and atheistic in belief, I was working in a prestigious and highly academic setting. And then something happened that triggered a chain of events I could never have predicted. The head of my department unexpectedly announced that he was tired of the angry and aggressive feelings our attitudes reflected, and concluded that "there must be another way." As if on cue, I agreed to help him find it. Apparently this Course is the other way.

18. Excerpts from A Course In Miracles establish the legitimacy of the universal experience, the divisively referred "religious experience", for qualification of the DSM page 103 culture-related absolve:
    A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.  It is this experience toward which the course is directed.  Here alone consistency becomes possible because here alone uncertainty ends. (C-in.2.5-7)
    I do not know the thing I am, and therefore do not know what I am doing, where I am, or how to look upon the world or on myself. (T-31.V.17.7-9)
    I do not know what anything, including this, means.  And so I do not know how to respond to it.  And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now. (T-14.XI.6.7-9)
    A common purpose is the only means whereby perception can be stabilized, and one interpretation given to the world and all experiences here. (T-30.VII.4.1)
    What shares a common purpose is the same. (T-27.VI.1.5)
    Magic is the mindless or the miscreative use of mind.  Physical medications are forms of "spells," but if you are afraid to use the mind to heal, you should not attempt to do so.  The very fact that you are afraid makes your mind vulnerable to miscreation.  You are therefore likely to misunderstand any healing that might occur, and because egocentricity and fear usually occur together, you may be unable to accept the real Source of the healing.  Under these conditions, it is safer for you to rely temporarily on physical healing devices, because you cannot misperceive them as your own creations.  As long as your sense of vulnerability persists, you should not attempt to perform miracles. (T-2.V.2.1-6)
    Only the mind is capable of illumination.  Spirit is already illuminated and the body in itself is too dense.  The mind, however, can bring its illumination to the body by recognizing that it is not the learner, and is therefore unamenable to learning.  The body is, however, easily brought into alignment with a mind that has learned to look beyond it toward the light. (T-2.V.6.3-6)
    In time we exist for and with each other.  In timelessness we coexist with God. (T-2.V.A.17.6-7)

19. Fear is a necessary cultural distinction.  "All fear is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception that you have the ability to usurp the power of God." (T-2.I.4.1)  Since we are all one of God, and therein for the selfsame constancy, we are all rightfully gods without lawful authority to inflict force of will over one another being equal.  The common law of God is directly the single The Golden Rule, The Law Of One, and translates as perceived karma within perspectives for time since singular knowledge is timeless.  Time, thus, is not up to any of us but all of us according to our willingness to remember our common identity, free of form, with equal respect for each other and harm to none.

20. A Course In Miracles reminds "true is everything that God created" (T-4.VII.3.3) and "God is not in you in a literal sense; you are part of Him.... because you had made another voice." T-5.II.5.5-7)  "You are the Kingdom of Heaven, but you have let the belief in darkness enter your mind and so you need a new light." (T-5.II.4.1)  "The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense.  His is the Voice that calls you back to where you were before and will be again.  It is possible even in this world to hear only that Voice and no other." (T-5.II.3.7-9)

21. Because we are created eternally but perceiving ourselves with deteriorating bodies, we require assistance understanding the illusion without desire to abolish it.  This it calls the little willingness as an entire section in Chapter 18.  We must simultaneously acknowledge fear as real and unreal if God is to be all-encompassing and our existence in time to be affirmative.  "Let us not forget, however, that words are but symbols of symbols.  They are thus twice removed from reality." (M-21.1.9-10)

22. The categorization of mental disorders can become a linguistic attempt to project fear.  There exists a subtle distinction between concern and fear best recognized when considering the respective verbs "concerning" and "fearing".  The statement "it is concerning" may be equally valid to all while the statement "it is fearing" is subjective to the perspective of the perceiver.  As anything true must be commonly shared, a simple test can be devised for application to such Criminal matters as the accusation of criminal harassment, Criminal Code section 264, for the condition "reasonable, in all the circumstances", s. 264 cited in paragraph 70.

23. Given The Constitution Act of Canada states "Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God" and for The American Psychiatric Association, especially judiciaries having defined "mental disorder" as "a disease of the mind" without considering the authority imp-arted APA representatives to find that they seek in place of mental wellbeing, A Course In Miracles provides a universally consistent definition of Mind for the APA to lawfully adopt:
    A Course In Miracles Clarification Of Terms Chapter 1. MIND–SPIRIT
    C-1.1. The term mind is used to represent the activating agent of spirit, supplying its creative energy. 2 When the term is capitalized it refers to God or Christ (ie, the Mind of God or the Mind of Christ). 3 Spirit is the Thought of God which He created like Himself. 4 The unified spirit is God's one Son, or Christ.
    C-1.2. In this world, because the mind is split, the Sons of God appear to be separate. 2 Nor do their minds seem to be joined. 3 In this illusory state, the concept of an "individual mind" seems to be meaningful. 4 It is therefore described in the course as if it has two parts; spirit and ego.
    C-1.3. Spirit is the part that is still in contact with God through the Holy Spirit, Who abides in this part but sees the other part as well. 2 The term "soul" is not used except in direct biblical quotations because of its highly controversial nature. 3 It would, however, be an equivalent of "spirit," with the understanding that, being of God, it is eternal and was never born.
    C-1.4. The other part of the mind is entirely illusory and makes only illusions. 2 Spirit retains the potential for creating, but its Will, which is God's, seems to be imprisoned while the mind is not unified. 3 Creation continues unabated because that is the Will of God. 4 This Will is always unified and therefore has no meaning in this world. 5 It has no opposite and no degrees.
    C-1.5. The mind can be right or wrong, depending on the voice to which it listens. 2 Right-mindedness listens to the Holy Spirit, forgives the world, and through Christ's vision sees the real world in its place. 3 This is the final vision, the last perception, the condition in which God takes the final step Himself. 4 Here time and illusions end together.
    C-1.6. Wrong-mindedness listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real. 2 Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened. 3 Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is One with God's.
    C-1.7. In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices. 2 Will is not involved in perception at any level, and has nothing to do with choice. 3 Consciousness is the receptive mechanism, receiving messages from above or below; from the Holy Spirit or the ego. 4 Consciousness has levels and awareness can shift quite dramatically, but it cannot transcend the perceptual realm. 5 At its highest it becomes aware of the real world, and can be trained to do so increasingly. 6 Yet the very fact that it has levels and can be trained demonstrates that it cannot reach knowledge.

24. The brain does not think but is as a pencil to our eternal being, or the CPU of a cellphone we use to communicate to other aspects of our common internet Self.  That readers understand analogy to bridge gaps-divides of their own consistent mental understandings evidences joining, directly healing reparation, to be transmitted from otherwise meaningless text on a page that does not enter the body except as mustard seedling idea following careful consideration for its honestly honing intent.

25. It is not possible for one to be lawfully diagnosed with either Schizoaffective Disorder or the less severe Schizophrenia merely because one advocates for absolve of the need for such libel.  Ms. Chawla often repeated Mr. Helmerichs "lacks insight into his illness", "lacked insight into his illness", and has "slightly improved insight into his illness" with "some effect noted" that she then attributed to her interventions of forced injectable.  The reader is to understand Ms. Chawla necessarily instituted a circular process attributing mental improvement to an external source to quell her own temporal misperception, a misperception yet ongoing until she is formally arrested.  Her mind believes forced injections of Risperidone Consta are necessary for an individual to be afforded the dignity to be considered with equal respect as an individual attempting to better social understanding, or she would not have injected Mr. Helmerichs for attempting to tell her that she herself is literally with an insane belief system.

26. If we were truly one in purpose, our physical appearance cannot matter except to the extent that interpretation is attributed any, practically considered the least, of us.  Recognizing a common purpose can stop the reign of ISIS with an "US-IS" (to quote the Mayor of city in which the recent news story of the 14-year black girl police assaulted for being too noisy at a pool party in the United States broke), it is hardly appropriate that I be declared incapable on grounds of arguing the point to psychiatrists who refuse to acknowledge MY culture for a thinking mind not brain.  "Every miracle is but the end of an illusion." (T-19.IV.A.6.8)

(3) Mistaking "delusions of grandiosity and persecution" (para. 27-37)

27. Waypoint social worker Ms. Allison Jones in the 5 Feb 2015 forensic report for Rene Helmerichs, for the time period 3 Sept 2012 to 28 Nov 2012, that including the CTO in question, states:
    Symptomology included delusions of grandiosity and persecution.
    Dr. Chawla was unsure if Mr. Helmerichs was experiencing thought insertion, withdrawal or broadcast.
    Mr. Helmerichs reportedly described seeing "a column of light" in 2006 but he denied hallucinations.
    Mr. Helmerichs had reportedly stated to his sister that he was God and that his son was Jesus.
    During his admission to hospital Mr. Helmerichs threatened to "impregnate" a young lady on the unit.

28. Page 87 of our current base for mental disorder reference, DSM-V, states:
    "Delusions are deemed bizarre if they are clearly implausible and not understandable to same-culture peers and do not derive from ordinary life experience."

29. Life experience rests upon the single agreement that we exist in a world itself always changing.  This single agreement bridges all perceived differences when carefully considered.  We agree to be in-and-of one common environment, thus an extension of that we do not fully understand because we also find ourselves with partial perspectives.  However, there exists a changeless part denoted with concept behind the word "always", literally all-ways-one, consistency same-applied. 

30. Ordinary life experience is perfectly reflected in The Constitution Act of Canada.  Any not exclusive state for consistency is necessarily a living dynamically changing state not ever fully definable.  This requires a measure of common sense to include willingness for absolve of dispute "in the now" such that psychiatrists, ideally, ARE equated to be judiciaries if they acknowledge their client to be with equal voice to their own.  The Constitution states, from sections 52 and 1:
    The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.... as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

31. If free choice is to truly exist, then we must always have the singularly same-choice to be for sameness within ever-changing change, guided from an aspect entirely for each of us individually and simultaneously with harm to none.

32. The DSM statement "clearly implausible and not understandable to same-culture peers" is key.  The phrase "same-culture" can absolve psychiatrists of the cultural genocide they unwittingly impart if there was not also emphasis on "clearly implausible and not understandable."  The requirement to be "clearly implausible" obligates psychiatrists to share new ideas, or, rather, ideas I present to them that in one-on-one sessions appear psychotic without understanding.  Once the question "WHY?" arises, and the answer revealed to FOR social betterment, there cannot be further argument that I am of a different culture unless I have committed a criminal wrong, in which case the matter correctly belongs before an impartial public court FOR our common spirit and not one acting like a god.

33. One cannot have attributed "delusions of grandiosity" for suggesting being the second coming as part of a grandiose marketing campaign correcting mistaken Mormon Community Of Christ beliefs about money, the nature of causality amidst the mistaken act of worship because Constancy Is.  A Course In Miracles clarifies "The Second Coming of Christ means nothing more than the end of the ego's rule and the healing of the mind." (T-4.IV.10.2)  Specifically, "The Second Coming is merely the return of sense.  Can this possibly be fearful?" (T-9.IV.9.4-5)  Sense is always common.

34. For one to be a true teacher of God, as Gary Renard in his honest best-selling translation for A Course In Miracles, Disappearance Of The Universe, states, one must necessarily seek to ever-respect the unlimited as ultimate goal for every limited concept, including every selfsame currently defamed with mental illness.  This requires only the restoration of sight with respect to our ultimate goal.  Is the goal of any relationship to be one for sense or nonsense?  Sense is of its selfsame goal.

35. A Course In Miracles has stated the sex drive to be a misguided drive to relate excepting the honest desire to procreate for joy of a richer course-style forgiveness lesson.  Accordingly, Mr. Rene Helmerichs and Ms. Fan-Xiu Hsiao (Lindsay), his first wife after Brigitta (wed 5 Sept 1999), made proper use of the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, RVH, hospice service at each of her visits into the lockdown ward of 3NC.  Only if two consenting adults, Mr. Helmerichs and his young spouse and then hot yoga teacher Lindsay, are not permitted to spread their sense into minds placed under communal divine birthright charge, can there be any issue with the statement "During his admission to hospital Mr. Helmerichs threatened to 'impregnate' a young lady on the unit."

36. Mr. Helmerichs has been quite transparent about his intentions, negating ability to attribute delusions to his actions.  He began marketing Talk To Dream as a New Goal Day charity with debut dwarfing that of even current Movember, using the first of each month as the designed day the public should convene in groups to review life goals large and small.  In June of 2012 a book publishing contract was secured at Balboa Press for the book The Choice Amidst The Argument In The Business Of Being Happy: A Course In Miracles And Ode To My Love Born On Christmas intended to market the upcoming charity.  Notice of the charity was submitted to The Federal Charities Directorate in May of 2012.  The principle of not exclusivity is that propelling the advertisement campaign initiated at the expense of The Mormon Community Of Christ when, for their Good Sense Budgeting Workshop at Barrie, friends of Mr. Helmerichs, local Mormon minister Matthew Swain, through his wife Irina and treasurer Natalie Yewchyn, deceived Mr. Helmerichs to advertise the workshop as a tax-tip workshop in Georgian College without advising Mr. Helmerichs that the workshop itself is discriminatory and not-NOT religious.  The workshop of 21 April 2012 at Grove Park Home in Barrie directly contravened the tithing principles of Deuteronomy 14:22-28 and provides Mr. Helmerichs the implicit agreement necessary to lawfully use the Mormon Community Of Christ to establish the NOW choice for One World Peace-without-war as a simple choice for partnership to abide by our written law. 

37. Corrections to the record are necessary for a number of reasons, all equally valid, and none favorable to our opposition.  Contact senior United States Mormon Community Of Christ ministers Kris Judd,, Tim Stanlick, and Carmen Thompson for a summary of the hundreds of emails sent to the Mormons the summer of 2012 advising of partnership sooner not later.  In one email, Ms. Judd expressed interest the "column of light", in another, of her own inspiration, she accurately described the illusory state citing "perfect love casts out fear" from A Course In Miracles:
    Perfect love casts out fear.
    If fear exists,
    Then there is not perfect love.
    Only perfect love exists.
    If there is fear, It produces a state that does not exist. (T-1.VI.5.4-8)

(4) Errors specific to The Substitute Decisions Act (1992) (para. 38-51)

38. Addressed with The Substitute Decisions Act, SDA, is the preceding Waypoint 5 Feb 2015 forensic statement from page 8 of the 11-page report, to the essential statement for correction:
    Mr. Helmerichs was made incapable of consenting to treatment and he was treated with Risperidone Consta with some effect noted such as settling of his mania and his psychosis.
    He continued to lack insight upon his discharge from hospital and once he returned home he did not continue with his treatment.
    Mr. Helmerichs' mother stated that by February Mr. Helmerichs was having difficulty once again; he was presenting as irritable.
    Upon discharge Mr. Helmerichs was reported to be euthymic with reactive and appropriate affect; his speech rate was normal rate, rhythm and volume and he was noted to have a slightly improved insight into his illness.
    Discharge diagnosis: "Most likely schizoaffective disorder, substance abuse, rule out schizoid personality disorder.
39. Thorough investigation is requested into actions of RVH senior lawyer June Bell and her tribunal having authorized Ms. Chawla to appoint a substitute decision maker against that of the wish of Mr. Helmerichs.  "Mr. Helmerichs was made incapable of consenting to treatment" specifically because he refused treatment, but he did resign himself to remaining at RVH until need for the treatment was equitably resolved in fair judicial proceedings normally required for the criminal arrest under which he was believed to be.  His lawyer at the time, Mr. David Northcott, did not inform Mr. Helmerichs of options nor of the legal obligation for the tribunal to consider first section 45 of The Substitute Decisions Act, SDA.  SDA section 45 specifically states:
    A person is incapable of personal care if the person is not able to understand information that is relevant to making a decision concerning his or her own health care, nutrition, shelter, clothing, hygiene or safety, or is not able to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of decision.
40. The first portion of SDA s. 45 cannot apply to one whose basic necessities are state-ensured, for its circularity and the phrase "appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of decision" is directly negated where one presents the unbelievable but entirely logical argument that need for pharmacological treatment fundamentally opposes mental wellbeing.  This lucid advertising feat demonstrates time-and-again Mind itself is ever joined at the most fundamental level and cannot ever therewith be healed with compelled belief for prescribed addiction.

41. The allegation of medical negligence against Ms. Chawla, and RVH senior lawyer June Bell who chaired the October tribunal rendering Mr. Helmerichs incapable, is conclusively secured with SDA s. 55(2).

42. SDA s. 55 states:
    (1) The court may, on any person's application, appoint a guardian of the person for a person who is incapable of personal care and, as a result, needs decisions to be made on his or her behalf by a person who is authorized to do so.
    (2) The court shall not appoint a guardian if it is satisfied that the need for decisions to be made will be met by an alternative course of action that,
(a)   does not require the court to find the person to be incapable of personal care; and
(b)   is less restrictive of the person's decision-making rights than the appointment of a guardian.

43. I do not recall being served notice of the application put before the tribunal in October of 2012, and this is directly also neglect of the legal aid lawyer, Mr. David Northcott, allegedly serving my best interests.  There was certainly not a separate date for the application, if indeed there was an application, as the only hearings had been for my continued contesting of the involuntary psychiatric forms under which I was kept without first having received a criminal trial for any of the allegations of criminal wrong used to justify claims of "no insight" and the incapable finding.

44. SDA .s. 55(1) does preclude the fact that the entire purpose to declare me incapable was the presumption of guilt of the criminal offence for which I had not yet received criminal hearing, barring the criminal pun.

45. The presumption in SDA s. 2 is for capability.  To have rendered me incapable merely to hinder my ability to argue the point of the fundamental error in the assumption of a thinking brain circumventing awareness of a thinking eternal mind directly raises serious freedom of belief, religion, human rights, and social democratic rights concerns that are not at all Constitutionally justified.  Therein is SDA s. 55(2) violated.

46. An investigation into the grounds for incapability with consideration of the notes I placed to my medical record at RVH during that time will reveal Ms. Chawla to have specifically contravened SDA s. 66(8) in addition to the numerous legal infractions necessary to have reached that point.  SDA s. 66(8) states:
    (8) The guardian shall, as far as possible, seek to foster the person's independence.

47. There is clearly no independence fostered when one is forced to endure injections while attempting to argue the point of having been presumed guilty for a criminal offence without trial of that offence.  If there was not a criminal offence, there was not a ground for me to have been criminally arrested, which did happen.

48. SDA s. 66(4) adds the moot point of Ms. Chawla having intentionally chosen my mother as substitute decision maker specifically because my mother opposed the principle A Course In Miracles assertion and with full awareness that I desired my spouse Lindsay to act on my behalf if the court was to deny me capability.  My mother advocated for injections while my spouse is still prepared to see me remain locked into a mental health center, currently Waypoint, until the reviews of Mental Health Act 33.9 reveal The College Of Physicians And Surgeons for Ontario to be acting in bad faith siding with Ms. Anjana Chawla.  SDA s. 66(4) requires:
    (4) In deciding what the person's best interests are for the purpose of subsection (3), the guardian shall take into consideration,
    (a) the values and beliefs that the guardian knows the person held when capable and believes the person would still act on if capable;
    (b) the person's current wishes, if they can be ascertained; and
    (c) the following factors:
1.      Whether the guardian's decision is likely to,
i.        improve the quality of the person's life,
ii.      prevent the quality of the person's life from deteriorating, or
iii.    reduce the extent to which, or the rate at which, the quality of the person's life is likely to deteriorate.
2.      Whether the benefit the person is expected to obtain from the decisions outweighs the risk of harm to the person from an alternative decision.

49. A month after their start, my complaints to my mother of spinal pain were finally heard.  Independent of the complaints, Ms. Chawla had also begun to barter with me that I lower a blog of defamatory statements against Ms. Chawla, and RVH in general, in exchange to be removed from the injectable.  Conversations evidencing the Criminal Code s. 120 bribery of Ms. Chawla are available from .  

50. As this matter is yet unresolved, clearly Ms. Chawla underestimated my drive to ensure we speak with my mind, I, as equal among The Collective, the entity commanding our common Mind, to "appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of [her] decision or lack of decision".  Ms. Chawla forcibly disassociated my own decision-making aspect into a substance under her exclusive control for want to control the decision-making process without my legal input and did, therewith, assume full responsibility for any and all public backlash hopefully to befall her sooner not later.  Of particular concern should be the insistence of Ms. Chawla that nursing staff of RVH during October 2012 deny any and all supportive visitors from communicating or meeting me in 3NC because Ms. Chawla projected fear onto a proverbial scapegoat for herself.

51. There was no separate hearing declaring me incapable.  As such, I am unsure whether the order was made on motion of the court of its own initiative or that of Ms. Chawla.  If it was made of Ms. Chawla, as she did directly insinuate in the 26 Oct 2012 audio-recording indicated authority over the outcome of the court irrespective of pretense for hearing, Ms. Chawla did very much neglect to inform me of my SDA ss. 78(1) and 78(2)(c) rights to refuse to be assessed.

(5) Corrections under The Mental Health Act (1990) (para. 52-59)

52. Mental Health Act, MHA, section 33.9 states:
    (1) The Minister shall establish a process to review the following matters:
1.      The reasons that community treatment orders were or were not used during the review period.
2.      The effectiveness of community treatment orders during the review period.
3.      Methods used to evaluate the outcome of any treatment used under community treatment orders.
    (2) The first review must be undertaken during the third year after the date on which subsection 33.1(1) comes into force.
    (3) A review must be completed every five years after the first review is completed.
    (4) The Minister shall make available to the public for inspection the written report of the person conducting each review.

53. The community treatment order, CTO, in question came into force on 30 Oct. 2012 under MHA subsection 33.1(1).  The subsection states the purpose of the order to fall broadly into that described in subsection (3) with specific criteria for its issuance listed in subsection 33.1(4) including:
    33.1(4)(e) ..."the physician is satisfied that the person subject to the order and his or her substitute decision-maker, if any, have consulted with a rights advisor and have been advised of their legal rights"

54. The issue of the CTO is truly the circular requirement of needing redress of the fact that a criminal arrest saw Mr. Helmerichs enter a mental ward on 3 Sept 2012 without acknowledgement in the criminal context except for the presumption of guilt contravening the foundation of our Constitution.  Mr. Helmerichs was declared incapable for arguing the point of mental illness accusations in presumption of guilt at alleged criminal offence(s) of harassment to Natalie Yewchyn and assault to his son, the latter of which did absolutely not occur and the former not according to the legal definition of criminal harassment in s. 264 of The Criminal Code.  The allegations were used to support allegation that Mr. Helmerichs suffers a psychosis, a loss of contact with reality, having required forced injections. 

55. Mr. Helmerichs is yet still arguing the very same point that Mr. Helmerichs was placed under a CTO to ensure the injections would continue to dissuade Mr. Helmerichs from attaining the credibility to complain about the inherently illegal process.  This is evidenced not only in fact of three police station attempts on 7 Oct 2012, but also oral statement of a supervising Ontario Provincial Police, OPP, officer witnessed at conclusion of the 6 Nov 2014 video statement given at the Orillia Peter Street OPP detachment.  The statement is posted to for public viewing convenience.  Viewers are to note the lack of respect afforded us, the Ontario public, as the OPP declares there to be a lack of documentation to begin a formal investigation.

56. The annotations to section 7 of The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms in Martin's Criminal Code 2014 judicial edition, a Canada Law Book, state "what is fair depends entirely upon context".  Context is the culture-related diagnostic issue causing forced injections on presumption of criminal guilt to be a form of disrupting "the continuity of histologically normal brain tissue", understanding the mind to be more than the brain but using the brain to exact effect for its thinking, notably illegal according to MHA s. 49, psychosurgery, and again for the discrimination having caused severe mental, and at the time physical, suffering that is ongoing to this day for the ongoing need to redress all criminal charges instigated to bring attention to this case as one whole!  Mr. Helmerichs was not advised of his rights before issuance of the CTO or a CTO issued exclusively to subdue the voice of Mr. Helmerichs could not possibly have occurred.  The act of discrimination is directly that of Criminal Code s. 269.1(b), torture on Canadian soil.

57. MHA s. 49 states:
    (1) Psychosurgery shall not be administered to an involuntary patient, to a person who is incapable of giving or refusing consent to psychosurgery on his or her own behalf for the purposes of the Health Care Consent Act, 1996, or to a person who is remanded or detained in a psychiatric facility pursuant to the Criminal Code (Canada).
    (2) Psychosurgery is any procedure that, by direct or indirect access to the brain, removes, destroys or interrupts the continuity of histologically normal brain tissue, or that inserts indwelling electrodes for pulsed electrical stimulation for the purpose of altering behavior or treating psychiatric illness, but does not include neurological procedures used to diagnose or treat organic brain conditions, intractable physical pain or epilepsy, if these conditions are clearly demonstrable.

58. Fact of severe mental suffering is recounted on page 2 of 11 of the Waypoint 5 Feb. 2015 assessment report with understanding that each Form 1 should have adhered MHA s. 38.1 (1), "The attending physicaian of a person who is the subject of an application for assessment under section 15 [the Form 1] or an order under section 32 shall promptly give the person a written notice of the application or order" :
    Central North Correctional Centre; Form 1 signed December 5, 2013; January 21 and 31; February 6, 20, and 26; March 13 and 27; May 1; June 10, 26, and 30 (all 2014)
59. All criminal charges initiated following that of 3 Sept. 2012 are to demonstrate the administration of justice in Ontario to not be respecting its public.  Not only were the Form 1 applications illegal as Mr. Helmerichs was not informed of the assessments for the applications, but no assessments occurred unless reading of creative writing constitutes an active mental assessment.  Further, the ongoing criminal matter in the court, file C-13-205-SCJ at the time, required Mr. Helmerichs to receive review of the detention order for possibility of an interim order of release, Constitutionally "reasonable bail", which did not occur for the Criminal Code section 672.17 obligation associated with MHA s. 15 applications.  That no judge gave fair hearing to the argument of medical malpractice and compounded the issue with actually recording in the endorsements of, for example, 21 March 2014 (if memory serves), that Mr. Helmerichs consented to the detention or waived his right to a review, only further demonstrates the extent of judicially corruption.  The attorney Ms. Kathryn Hull echoed the example in paragraph 7 of her Book Of Authorities dated 20 May 2014 for the defence Charter s. 9 application that trial judge Mr. Mulligan simply also elected not to honestly consider, given the recounted facts. On 2 May 2014, Mr. Mulligan prejudicely ruled the defence not to be permitted to submit psychiatric evidence for my innocence, despite the simultaneous psychiatric applications recounted in para 58, raised again in para 70.

(6) With The Personal Health Information Protection Act (2004) (para. 60-72)

60. Personal Health Information Protection Act, PHIPA, section 55 requires the health information custodian to ensure the accuracy of its record when a request for correction to the record is submitted.  There are numerous requests for correction submitted, all stemming from an original error warranting criminal charges to psychiatrists Mr. Liaqat Ali and Ms. Anjana Chawla already sworn and presented the attorney for Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario in Her disclosure for Criminal file C-14-3928-OCJ, one of several resulting charges against Mr. Helmerichs.  The backwardation may appear, at first, unbelievable.

61. Additional specific corrections to the record are numerous yet not specifically recited secondary corrections to subtle errors Mr. Helmerichs notes in the 5 Feb 2015 forensic Psychosocial Assessment by Waypoint social worker Allison Jones.  In particular, there is the issue of Waypoint having declared a Bill Of Rights "To Treat Others As We Would Like To Be Treated" while consenting to arbitrary forensic statements such as that in page 11 of 11 of the 5 Feb 2015 report:
    Mr. Helmerichs did agree to respond to psychosocial questions via written documents thus this writer provided the questions in a Word document for Mr. Helmerichs to fill out using the unit computer.  Mr. Helmerichs provided a 37-page document; the answers to questions asked were extensive and often unrelated to the question.  Simple demographic information such as 'place of birth' resulted in a two paragraph answer that did not result in the appropriate answer.  A copy of Mr. Helmerichs' responses was placed on file.

62. To note is the specific reference to "the appropriate answer" that specifically evidences the culture of Mr. Helmerichs with respect to the subtle mind-body living distinction for all-equality.  If there were truly respect, the assessment questions would have been asked in person and answers recorded by the questioner who has then the ability to verify that answers are simultaneously both appropriate and accurately portraying cultural distinctions.  The 37-page document was not provided Mr. Helmerichs upon request for a copy on grounds that Ms. Jones claimed to have already provided one copy.  If there were respect, benefit of doubt would have been bestowed upon Mr. Helmerichs who has since received permission to review the record at Waypoint but yet awaits permission under PHIPA s. 54(12) for a waiver of fees to print a subsequent copy.  The delay is truly unnecessary and speaks to only larger scale vexation otherwise attributed as delusions of persecution.

63. Further to the correction necessary with respect to the page 11 of 11 answer, is the 3 Feb 2015 written statement of Waypoint psychiatrist Mr. William Komer, provided the court for assessments ordered 29 Dec. 2014 and 19 Jan. 2015 for C-14-3928-OCJ and C-14-6966-OCJ respectively:
    Further to your Assessment Order dated [respectively], Mr. Helmerichs has been at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Penetanguishene.  He has refused to speak with me unless it is audio recorded and stated that he would be posting anything documented on the Internet.  Mr. Helmerichs has been derogatory to me.  Under the circumstances, I am unable at this time or in the future to do an assessment of him.
64. The attorney for the crown, at several hearings since, has attempted to attribute fault to Mr. Helmerichs for the lack of assessment report, yet statement of Ms. Jones clearly relates agreement to conduct the assessment onto recorded media to the satisfaction of Mr. Helmerichs.  Since Criminal Code s. 315 permits Mr. Helmerichs to publicize this, in its entirety, to ensure the requested corrections, and statement evidencing derogatory conduct to witness to the presence of mental conflict, clearly there was ability and need to complete the assessment.  The record is to reflect that Mr. Helmerichs is blameless.

65. Corrections for the principal concern of an omitted CTO record are requested.  The subsequent correction is for inclusion of evidence of the CTO within the 5 Feb 2015 forensic Psychosocial Assessment report.  Another correction requested is the lawful arrest of Ms. Anjana Chawla and Mr. Liaqat Ali, in addition to Ms. Natalie Yewchyn and Mr. Matthew Swain for perjury at the criminal trial of C-13-205-SCJ in June 2014 had for the allegations of harassment used to justify claims of psychosis against Mr. Helmerichs at the time of the CTO. 

66. Our Constitution section 15 states individuals to have equal benefit under the law and equal protection of the law.  The 5 Feb 2015 report about Rene Helmerichs, me, states "He continued to lack insight upon his discharge from hospital and once he returned home he did not continue with his treatment."  An individual under a forced CTO, mandating complacency of forced injections, does continuously maintain commitment to continue with his treatment or find himself forcibly recommitted back into custody for continuance of the ordered treatment under The Mental Health Act.  As the law itself ensured the forced complacency until the CTO issuing overseeing psychiatrist deemed the treatment to not longer to be necessary, it is hardly appropriate for that psychiatrist to present the stated opinion.  It is directly necessary for the psychiatrist to also note improvement, despite only complacent silence on the part of the true victim for the Criminal Code s. 269.1 (b) Torture, at the forced treatment lest the matter be earlier revealed as fraudulent and misappropriation of public trust.

67. Since the 30 Oct 2012 CTO was cancelled just weeks after its issuance, the issuing physician is criminally liable for either medical negligence under Criminal Code 215(3) if the treatment was ended prior to need as our uncorrected information currently suggests, or under any of:
    s. 423 for unlawful intimidation evidenced in an audio-recording of 26 Oct. 2012;
    s. 269.1(b) for cultural discrimination resulting in severe mental suffering;
    s. 361 for the contradictory statement claiming disorder in addition to the principal concern of an unlawful diagnosis revealed herein unlawful on cultural grounds; or,
    s. 120 for the bribery clinician psychiatrist Ms. Anjana Chawla offered to release me from the CTO, and all treatment obligations therewith, in exchange that I lower the since truncated blog of defamatory statements currently at .

68. A copy of the audio-recording confirming The Criminal Code s.120 offense of Bribery did indeed occur is also available online.  An excerpt from the recording of 26 Oct. 2012 sufficing evidence for the s.423 offence is available from .  A partial transcript of 26 Oct. 2012 session at RVH in Barrie was included in the crown disclosure for court file C-13-205-SCJ at Barrie on 2 March 2013, and formal sworn charges therefore into the crown disclosure for C-14-3928-OCJ at Orillia, believe it or not.  Excerpts from the 26 Oct. 2012 recording include:
    Ms. Chawla: You'll have to follow the suggestions made in the CTO.  Part of that would be to take your medications.  Part of that would be to follow up with a psychiatrist which in this case is me, I don't think I can find anyone to replace me and I don't really want to.
    Me: Despite the non-therapeutic relationship.
    Ms. Chawla: Well, the therapeutic relationship was spoilt by you not me.
    Me: Really?  We've had two hearings where we're countering each other.  You don't think that after a hearing where we're countering each other that constitutes a breakdown in communication?
    Ms. Chawla: I don't think the first hearing has any bearing on the second or third, they're all considered very independently.
    Me: Are we having another hearing before then?
    Ms. Chawla: You want to?
    Me: I put a request in the other day for it.
    Ms. Chawla: Up to you, then I will take the opportunity--It's going to go the same way as it's gone the other three times, OK?
    Me: Well, I've already put in the process to start the hearing in.
    Ms. Chawla: You can always stop it.
    Me: You can always let me out for Halloween.
    Ms. Chawla: No.  That won't happen.  Because I have to make sure that I'm working in the best interests of you.
    Me: So, if I go to a hearing then our deal for next weekend is out?
    Ms. Chawla: Ya, because the--you're showing me that I can't trust the process we've spent the last whatever time discussing.  [By challenging the current form via another hearing.]
    Me: Is that a threat?
    Ms. Chawla: Ya, I guess, in a way.  We couldn't just leave it at that.  Alright, so why don't I do this.  Hearing or no hearing I'm going to let the form 4 lapse [in 25 days].  I'm not going to attach that form lifting or discontinuing to anything.  So we're just going to go through the whole, whatever days it's valid for [about 25 days] and we'll have you as our guest then.  Does that seem reasonable then?
    Me: You're insane!

69. Of insanity, A Course In Miracles states:
    The case for insanity is strong to the insane. 4 For reasoning ends at its beginning, and no thought system transcends its source. (T-11.V.16.3-4)
    The Holy Spirit will restore your sanity because insanity is not the Will of God. (T-13.XI.7.4)
    The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. 8 His is the Voice that calls you back to where you were before and will be again. 9 It is possible even in this world to hear only that Voice and no other. (T-5.II.3.7-9)
    God is not in you in a literal sense; you are part of Him. 6 When you chose to leave Him He gave you a Voice to speak for Him because He could no longer share His knowledge with you without hindrance. 7 Direct communication was broken because you had made another voice. (T-5.II.5.5-7)
    Inward is sanity; insanity is outside you. 5 You but believe it is the other way; that truth is outside, and error and guilt within. 6 Your little, senseless substitutions, touched with insanity and swirling lightly off on a mad course like feathers dancing insanely in the wind, have no substance. 7 They fuse and merge and separate, in shifting and totally meaningless patterns that need not be judged at all. (T-18.I.7.4-7)
    A common purpose is the only means whereby perception can be stabilized, and one interpretation given to the world and all experiences here. (T-30.VII.4.1)

70. On 3 Sept 2012 I approached local representatives for our Ontario government with statement "I will do no harm, let us use the judicial process to resolve misunderstandings having caused MCSCS to threaten me on 1 Sept 2012 for sending a church common purpose propaganda."  That propaganda is specifically to create, in time, an ever-increasing established marketing platform advertising churches professing One God as justification for tithing campaigns to confuse money with Life.  While we agree criminal harassment to be unlawful, we do not agree the wording of the Criminal Code section 264 offence to be accurate.  The difference between fear and concern has been noted in paragraph 22 and our common spirit of law cited in the Rules For Professional Conduct of The Law Society Of Upper Canada; "in all the circumstances", does literally absolve a true minister for One God under Criminal Code section 175 for the ongoing 315 publicating in good faith for redress of the April 2012 Mormon wrong, incredible as this all sounds.  Currently, the offence of Criminal Code section 264(b) for which Mr. Helmerichs was tried and convicted without permission to present psychiatric evidence for his courtroom defence in June of 2014, file C-13-205-SCJ at Barrie, states:
    No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them."

71. This active case is demonstrably testifying justice of Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario to be the presumption of guilt such that the role of a judge in courts for law of Ontario is to find me guilty without contextual hearing.  Judges are witnessed not to have innately received the herein information with Constitution section 15 equal benefit of law.  Until psychiatrists are held accountable for their ego-complexes, judges are witnessed to administer hindrance to our public administration of justice causing Mr. Helmerichs not to be able to answer the first question of Metfors Fitness Questionnaire in a way to permit further lawful courtroom appearance.  Until such time that this matter receives fair, "what is fair depends entirely on context" to quote the annotations to section 7 of Martin's Criminal Code 2014, hearing, the original false assertion that one is mentally unwell for challenging the lack of transparency for mental health shall only further indebt the country of Canada.

72. "I am an equal member of GOD; you have co-authorship in the sonship to redefine us.  Neither of us can imagine NOT; NOT what is, to understand without illusion for God; illusion IS Not of God.  God is The Collective, I am, in consistently perfect singular for all intents and purposes.  We all carry responsibility to better the singular system advocating exclusively for literal wellness of []

R. Helmerichs
Signed 22 June 2015 at Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada

FOLLOW-UP (1) dated 29 June 2015 to ROI0002641 (para. 73-78)

73. For that of 24 June 2015 received from Ms. Quesnelle in room 3066 of Waypoint on 26 June 2015
    Ms. Roxanne Jameus, "Certified Health Information Manager", states "Correction request relates to a document or documents not originally created by this hospital.  We do not have sufficient knowledge, expertise, and / or authority to correct it."  The 24 June 2015 statement is designed Waypoint file number ROI0002641.

74. Waypoint psychiatrist Mr. Komer is legally criminally liable for use of incorrect or inaccurate information used for purposes of a court assessment.  Liability falls under Criminal Code section 215(3) for negligence (medical malpractice), additionally under s. 128 for misconduct of licensing standard, s. 423 for intimidation, s. 132 for perjury, and others.

75. To satisfy Waypoint, employer of Mr. Komer, that Waypoint does have authority (given knowledge for yet unacknowledged expertise) to correct incorrect actions whenever and wherever they are identified, directors of Waypoint, specifically Bridget Quesnelle and Carol Lambie, are also included in the Criminal Code s. 2 definition for peace officer and become criminally liable each for charges of, at the very least, s. 128 misconduct for permitting false return to our process. 

76. Our process is for betterment to our system.  Betterment includes the ability to prevent errors with correction to the record from any point, at any time, within the same greater system unless our singular system is itself to be acknowledged systemically divided, irreparably broken.  Waypoint has approved the definition of Quality to be helping the right person at the right time in the right way.  That Michael MacNeil nor any other administrator has stepped up to address my complaints concerning lack of assistance with pursuit of Mr. Gunter Lorberg that he do is lawful job, or that I receive unintentionally hindered ability to correspond with my power of attorney, also directly impeded marks only lack of quality care at Waypoint bringing Human Rights concerns to light.

77. Support for The Statement Of Disagreement herewith submitted to counter the active misconduct of Waypoint director Bridget Quesnelle in oral responses on 26 June 2015, also for the 24 June 2015 written response of Ms. Jameus, is easily obtained from the annotations to Criminal Code section 16 defence of mental disorder.  The judicial edition of Canada Law Book Martin's Criminal Code 2014 under subheading "Expert evidence" in the annotations to s. 16 states:
    While an expert opinion based on second-hand evidence is admissible, if relevant, the facts asserted in this second-hand evidence are not admissible for their truth.  Thus, while medical experts are entitled to take into consideration all possible information in forming their opinions, "this in no way removes from the party tendering such evidence the obligation of establishing, through properly admissible evidence, the factual basis on which such opinions are based." R. v. Abbey, supra.

78. Waypoint is simply not permitted to use any, absolutely none of any psychiatric documentation since 3 Sept 2012, until the original error is corrected.  The original error is, to recap, having been:
i)    criminally arrested and not given a criminal trial;
ii)  incarcerated into a hospital on presumption of criminal guilty; and,
iii)    forcibly injected under a community treatment order for openly challenging Ontario tyranny.


79. Prior to Follow-up (1)
    Sent 22 June 2015 to CPSO via formal complaint against Ms. Chawla, Mr. Ali, Mr. Lorberg;
    Sent 22 June 2015 to Waypoint Clinical Information Services, CIS, via inter-mail;
    Copy to psychometrist Matthew Keating at Waypoint on 23 June 2015;
    Sent 23 June 2015 to blog with 6 Nov 2014 video-statement to , expected posted by 26 July 2015;
    Copy to psychiatrist William Komer at Waypoint on 25 June 2015, included on chart for 43125;
    Acknowledgement 26 June 2015 in meeting with CIS director Bridget Quesnelle at Waypoint.
    30 June 2015 to the Spiritual Care representative and A Course In Miracles fan Rachel Dart
    Anti-psychiatry groups via Facebook, direct download links, friends, and other social activists.


80. Natalie Yewchyn committed perjury at the June 2014 trial for C-13-205-SCJ.  She claimed not to know what a keloid is, despite having nagged about how much she hated hers on 12 Feb 2012, or whatever the date of the snowstorm for which I shoveled her driveway in exchange to listen to her rant over tea afterwards.  At trial she twisted the story and left off the tea invite completely, or her story would have been self-defeated on the spot.  What of the 28 March 2012 spa date that had also been exclusively of her own January 2012 inspiration?  What of the attached confirmation to the 6 Dec. 2014 email instigating C-14-6966-OCJ at Barrie for further redress of the June 2014 perjury and October 2012 injections for criminal harassment?  The 6 Dec 2014 email attachments are found also on the 6 Dec. 2014 TWITTER post for @talk2dream and show Natalie Yewchyn to have given Rene Helmerichs explicit permission to call her, months after she claimed him to have called her without consent.  What of the dozens of other encounters not specifically mentioned nor addressed?  See copies of the witness statements of Natalie Yewchyn and Mormon minister Matthew Swain posted 10 Jan. 2014 to .