Tuesday, June 30, 2015

PUBLIC NOTICE: World War III is on!

"If Lady Gaga you to listen buy we will of goats lots you." is compress-speak for Leviticus 16:8 applied geographically to Her Majesty at expense of exploding LGBT crowds for ISIS advertisement.
The Toronto Star 13 June 2015 downplays the message as gobbledygook.
Advise is to stay away from public LGBT parades.
More on The New World Order plot inside the 4 June 2013 document PUBLIC NOTICE: World War III is on! at:http://luciferchristforworldpeace.blogspot.tw/…/17-public-n…

Monday, June 29, 2015

3 July 2015 Cross-Examine for file C-14-6966-OCJ


On 3 July 2015 Rene Helmerichs is set to cross-examine Waypoint chief psychiatrist James Karagianis at the Barrie, Ontario, Canada courthouse for file C-14-6966-OCJ. 

The argument is for psychiatric transparency.

James claims psychiatrist can not be objective if they are recorded and worry about audio-recording publicity. 

Rene claims psychiatrist should be subjective because honest healthcare. Honest healthcare requires a patience-centered approach without fear.


See more information:

www.renehelmerichs3.blogspot.ca &

Monday, June 22, 2015

Complaint To Carol Lambie C.E.O. at Waypoint

Complaint To Carol Lambie C.E.O. at Waypoint

By: Rene Helmerichs
Written: 23 June, 2015

Dear Ms. Lambie, 

The complaint process at Waypoint is sequential. Complaints are made to local individual and find their way to you is unresolved. I have been complaining without acknowledgment to Paul Percival. After Paul comes Michael MacMeil, Rob Des Roches, then yourself.

If Paul does not acknowledge the complaint with action or inaction, how am I talk to Mike?

I am complaining about your complaint process. Will public please contact Accreditation Canada at 1-800-814-7769. Because this costs everyone time and money.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Respecting Criminal Code Section 315, Sch.B.25

1.      Respecting Criminal Code Section 315, Sch.B.25.
5 May 2015; 8 paragraphs; Court file Num. C-14-6985
Posted: www.renehelmerichs3.blogspot.ca; talk2dream.me
From: Rene Helmerichs, professor of A Course In Miracles
1501 Fuller Ave., Penetanguishene, ON., L9M 2H4 Canada
TO: James Karagianis; attorney general; city@thestar.ca
CC: William Komer; Allison Jones; Kathryn.Hull@ontario.ca

RE: Correcting Misinformation About Dr. Helmerichs.

2.      We are politely advised that I am self-represented for the purpose of cross-examing you with respect to statements made in your affidavit sworn 30 March 2015. We are further advised that I am an individual diagnosed with several Schedule 1 psychiatric mental disorders self-representing in court of law for pre-meditated offences claiming to be not criminally responsible merely to have the opportunity to question a psychiatrist on a public record. In thanks for your assistance, stepping up to the plate so-to-speak, please expect a blog post titled “Outline Of Questions For Mr. Karagianis” to accompany a copy of your affidavit at: www.renehelmerichs3.blogspot.ca for the Victea Day weekend, or shortly thereafter.

3.      Of course in miracles, My Book at www.acim.org, announcement shall include: 1) happily publicized email inclusive of media and The Attorney General for recipients; 2) endless opportunity to partner in advance of the public courtroom confessions; and, 3) the enclosed second draft of questions to which your responses shall be recorded in court unless we begin our mutual collaboration correcting misrepresentation of facts dating to Mr. Liqat Ali and Ms. Anjana Chawla at Royal Victoria Hospital back in 2012 unnecessarily furthered in the 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment produced by Ms. Allison Jones for Mr. William Komer (whom you defended with affidavit) at Waypoint (the place at which you currently believe yourself to be responsible for an exclusive quality-assurance way).

4.      The questions then, Take 2:
1)     Mr. Karagianis, we are here today to debate the legitimacy of your refusal of my request that psychiatrists under your charge audio-record my oral responses to medical assessments otherwise court-ordered to ascertain my mental condition. In what regard do you not share my understanding of the purpose for our meeting today?

2)     In paragraph 2 of your 30 March 2015 sworn affidavit, you state your responsibilities as Psychiatrist In Chief of Waypoint Centre in Penetanguishene, Ontario, one of the, if not THE, most state of the art mental hellth [typo imperceptible in speech] facilities in all of Canada, to include: “medical affairs; physician leadership; and medical quality assurance”. Is that correct?

3)     Does quality assurance involve maintaining a prescribed standard?

4)     In paragraph 1 of your affidavit, you state yourself to be “a psychiatrist licensed either by general or special license”, and, in paragraph 4, having “conducted over 100 court-ordered assessments”. Is this correct?

5)     Does the standard for your personal professional quality assurance involve assuring your subjects that their statements, given in faith for legal purposes, are also received as intended so as not to be accidentally misconstruced?

6)     At what point in an assessment process is recognizably false or misleading representation of essential facts best corrected, because I’m diligently STILL waiting since 3 Sept. 2012.

5.      IT IS NOT THAT MIND BRAIN BUT MIND IS GOD: Mr. Karagianis, hereafter do we enter a legal nightmare not imaginable but including investigation into every of your previous assessments and the competance of the Waypoint Centre For Mental Health Care board of directors if it does not immediately place you under full suspension pending College Of Physicians And Surgeons review of those specialist licenses that you have claimed to be abiding – The Royal College for Canada and its partnered provincial affiliates.

6.      I AM trying to communicate with you. The 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment contains serious misrepresentations for which The Provincial Court Of Justice for Ontario, in a hearing for court file C-14-6966 at Barrie on 27 April 2015, did bestow responsibility to you, to answer to, at the cross-examination crucification. Furthermore, Mr. Karagianis, statement of Mr. William Komer dated 3 Feb 2015 to the court directly contradicts statement on page 1 of the 11-page psychosocial 5 Feb 2015 report and the only worry you expressed in vanity of the want for A Religion Of Secrecy is already addressed in Criminal Code sections 672.21, 672.5, 672.84, 672.51, and other subsections denying an accused access to statements of self for privacy concerns, barring an actual assessment standard to even exist.

7.      We are again reminded, Mr. Karagianis, that every inmate at Waypoint is directly under your charge for any purpose included in the Criminal Code section 215(1)(c)(ii) phrase “necessaries of life”, in which maintaining that elusively-secret medical quality assurance standard is certainly fully included. You’ll want to review that section because the placing of a copy of this for you with any court information accompanying the criminal responsibility assessments I intend to have ordered to bring me back under your direct charge does directly obligate you to work with me to correct the two-dozen-or-so 5 Feb 2015 misrepresentations IN ADVANCE Of our 3 July 2015 courting date or one kind Sir shall be irreperibly liable for formal charges including Criminal Negligence and medical malpractice, not to mention having wasted the court’s time, and our own, and for which you’ll still be liable even if this well-meaning note does not formally meet a clenched-jaw gaze until after the possibly delayed persecution date since you can be called again to testify at the disposition hearing for whatever any medical staff next decides to write about me (under Criminal Code section 672.5(11) for future 672.11(b) orders: either for C-14-6966, C-14-6985, C-14-6986, C-14-3928 and its appeal, C-13-205-SCJ and its appeal, or however many more bizarre emails to the Mormon Community Of Christ 2012 Barrie treasurer Natalie Yewchyn the original TORTURE redress requires).

8.      Contact Me via Kathryn.Hull@ontario.ca while she remains an attorney for The Crown and let us speak off the record to your liking. At this point, it makes absolutely no difference except to save US time and them a living legal nightmare. Sun L.C. 111. Two simple proofs are included:

9.      Proof: The Answer arise unique to any question.

10. Proof: Medication for mental health is NOT ultimately for well-being.

Proof: Medication for mental health is NOT ultimately for well-being

Proof: Medication for mental health is NOT ultimately for well-being.
Written: 11 May 2015; By: Rene Helmerichs; Posted: www.renehelmerichs3.blogspot.ca

(1)   Am I my body or does GOD offer eternal life?
(2)   What is I if we use it both always differingly?
(4)   The answer can only be same if we agree that mind, satisfying all mental consideration, exists exclusively for the individual within the brain of the individual


a physical brain is a substance of flesh, therefore confined to the realm of the laws for flesh including the whole of this universe of time and not as device to bridge time because it is not the same throughout the ever-changing physical realm


mind has the innate ability of bridging time, as evidenced in the processes of memory – the recollection of a vision imagined not present, but past or future in the present, and lived as a not-present moment in the present – evidence of non-linear thinking directly asserts mind to be itself not confined to linear time


the brain of an individual is within a mind that could (actually is – but don’t believe me) healing itself non-linearly in ways not imaginable to linear mind-sets stuck with self-limiting beliefs for order in places of the actual awareness for eternal existence same-re-awakening.

Proof: The Answer arises unique to any question

Proof: The Answer arises unique to any question.
Written: 11 May 2015; By: Rene Helmerichs; Posted: www.renehelmerichs3.blogspot.ca

The World is always changing.

When can we not agree that we exist with change?

Does every effect have a cause or is there such thing as accidents?

Science is the process of explaining accidents.

Is the explanation necessary to achieve understanding?

Is there a common moral foundation?

To advance my understanding and improve my life, please explain how I can know right from wrong without an explanation.

Is it wrong of me to insist that I am more than my body, as are you?

If I am more than my body, clearly it is not my brain that governs the cause of this print as its effect.

Since we do agree to be always with change, we agree to co-exist in a make-ality ultimately produced from only one cause, or else there could be no such thing as a common foundation moral or not.

So I ask again, is explanation necessary to achieve understanding or does understanding arise innately in questioning?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Item Num 17: Outline Of Cross-examining For Mr. Karagianis; dated 20 April 2015; 19 questions.

Item Num 17:
(17) Item Num 17: Outline Of Cross-examining For Mr. Karagianis; dated 20 April 2015; 19 questions.

B.1. Paragraph 3 of your affidavit makes reference to “mentally disordered offenders”. Can we agree that an offender is an individual having committed an offence designated to be illegal in The Criminal Code Of Canada?

B.2. Are we presumed to be innocent of such offences until given a fair hearing in Canada?

B.3. Prior to June 2014, I had not been found guilty and sentenced for a criminal offence; if I was not formally an offender, why was I considered a mentally disordered offender, or, presumed to be with mental illness so as to have Part XX.I of The Criminal Code apply to me, if I am to be presumed innocent?

B.4. The distinction is one purely for culture, which is the underlying subject matter of our dispute today. I believe that I have a legal right to have my oral statements given for the purposes of a mental assessment audio-recorded, and a recording thereof freely given me, and you believe this to somehow interfere with the ability of a psychiatrist to honestly assess me. Do we share this understanding as a common perspective, each with our own desired outcome?

B.5. I shall let you define your culture for the court in the answer provided. In paragraph 1 of your affidavit, your refer to possessing several psychiatric licenses. In paragraph 4 you refer to yourself as previously recognized as “an expert witness for the purpose of testifying”. Do you consider yourself a representative sample of your culture population? i.e. [can the court today consider your answers to be normal for whatever is the culture of a psychiatrist?]

B.6. How does one wind up in court after committing a criminal offence? [charged & arrested]

B.7. Do you believe it necessary for maintenance of proper social functioning that serious, if not every, criminal offence is reported to authorities for an arrest?

B.8. Are you licensed by The College Of Physicians And Surgeons Of Ontario?

B.9. In paragraph 8 of your affidavit, you note concern for the assessing psychiatrist that, despite having only requested my statements to be audio recorded, “such recording necessarily captures the words of the psychiatrist as well.” Are you aware, to quote Lorian Hardcastle, relayed in the 15 April 2015 Toronto Star page GT3, that “(The colleges) haven’t opted to go the route of mandatory disclosure” in cases where psychiatrists commit even multiple repeated criminal offences?

B.10. (1) Ms. Hardcastle was responding via email to The Toronto Star for the case of a physician with suspended medical license in 2013, a Mr. Sami Karkanis, who has his license re-instated on grounds, according to Superior Court Justice Ian Nordheimer in a December 2014 ruling, “that the case against Karkanis from 2013 was a typical ‘he said, she said’ case.

B.10. (2) Mr. Karagianis, allow me to qualify this next statement by telling you “God is nothing.” I am now going to fully admit to you that I believe I am God.

B.10. (3) In paragraph 2 of your affidavit you state yourself to be Psychiatrist in Chief at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health and that among your responsibilities are medical quality assurance. Pages 7 to 10 of The Psychosocial Assessment, forensic, dated 5 Feb 2015, and printed on Waypoint letterhead refer to a number of mental disorders that psychiatrists have ‘he said, she said’ to me, however all the disorders are based on The Diagnostic And Statistics Manual, of which the 2013 version, DSM-V, clearly states on page 87: “Delusions are deemed bizarre if they are clearly implausible and not understandable to same-culture peers and do not derive from ordinary life experiences.”

B.10. (4) Since I did not say that I do not also think that you are equally God, and God is a legal term, being found in the legislature in the Preamble to our Constitution, please define mind for the court as every disorder is, in my culture, a disease of the mind of God.

B.10. (5) [Relevance, if requested: The DSM-V (2013) on page 87 states
    “Delusions that express a loss of control over mind or body are generally considered to be bizarre... The distinction between a delusion and a strongly held idea is sometimes difficult to make and depends in part on the degree of conviction with which the belief is held despite clear or reasonable contradictory evidence regarding its veracity”. To satisfy to the court that there exists a standard for the classification of mental disorders, there must exist a common aspect to act as foundation for the standard. Since I have steadily maintained my belief that it is not the brain of a body that thinks, but that thinking originates in our common mind and that even that mind is split in a way neither confined to our physical bodies nor to linear time, to be able to establish my thinking as delusional does obligate an expert assessor of diseases of mind, or mental disorder, to maintain a concept of that being assessed, mind, that is not contradictory to the standard of a common foundation. If the expert cannot testify that my mind is not of God, my statement that I am God does retain legal veracity to endow my person with the status of God in Canada until such time that it is. As a consequence, I respectfully support statement of Chief Supreme Court Of Canada Justice Beverly McLachlin, reprinted on page A14 of the 15 April 2015 Toronto Star that “sentencing is inherently a judicial function” such that I may request of authorities to arrest psychiatrists Ms. Anjana Chawla and Mr. Liaqat Ali for crimes sworn 8 July 2014 and included in the crown disclosure of Orillia matter C-14-3928. All other of my reasonable requests shall of course (in Miracles) also be met, beginning with leave of this court to order an application expeditiously presented on my behalf before whatever necessary court to order The College Of Physicians And Surgeons to report ALL criminal allegations to authorities and to have their exclusively licensed physicians stop deceiving themselves to be expert in a singular non-linear Mind Of God that they clearly do not understand for having not established that I am not with The Mind Of God, also known as Christ.]

B.11. Quoting Anne Sorenson, president of Marriott, from page B4 of the 15 April 2015 Toronto Star newspaper, “The notion that you can tell businesses somehow that they are free to discriminate against people based on who they are is madness.” Paragraph 3 of the affidavit states Waypoint to be incorporated under The Public Hospitals Act. Although the term “incorporated” is specifically missing, a hospital is necessarily a business. According to your interpretation of the thinking of Ms. Sorenson and acknowledging The American Psychological Association to actually be instructing readers of its DSM “to discriminate against people based on who they are” for NOT having acknowledged mind to be eternally shared in a real and living not-endorsement that all psychotherapists (inclusive of all psychiatrists) should study this text, and its precursor A Course In Miracles, to assist the worldwide psychiatric standard to better itself?

B.12. If you imply the statements of psychiatrists should not be recorded “to conduct the best, most thorough and most comprehensive interview necessary to underpin the most accurate assessment required by the Court,” AND “the Court” advocates exemption to the normal protection of statements in Criminal Code section 672.21(3) for assurances to the public that the consistency of honesty is maintained, AND I hear in all of this that, simply put, psychiatrists lack trust in what they say during the assessments for the court, HOW is it that any psychiatrist can retain status as expert witness if the foundation of a medical license depends upon personal relationship involving Trust that I am telling you I do not have unless the assessor is able to trust his or her own statements as consistently honestly verifiable with an original record?

B.13. How many kinds of honesty do you believe there are?

B.14. Page 1 of the 11-page Psychosocial Assessment dated 5 Feb 2015 written by Allison Jones on behalf of psychiatrist William Komer evidences agreement that I had with Waypoint that I answer questions asked of me in writing to satisfy my need for Transparency. Unlike your stated grounds in paragraph 8 of your affidavit, the assessment report states that “due to the lack of policy around storage and transcription of interviews at [Waypoint] Mr. Helmerichs request [to have his oral statements audio recorded] could not be accommodated. Mr. Helmerichs did however agree to participate in this interview [and every interview] through written responses.” Did you know that a lack of policy does not constitute grounds to deny me the Criminal Code section 215(1)(c)(ii) necessaries of life of an audio recording to establish for this court the extent of misinformation contained in the 5 Feb 2015 report about me before your alternate grounds sworn 30 March 2015? [I expect OBJECTION to this question and shall simply restate it.]

B.15. If one has not trust in speaking with the other except onto recording for assurance that past intentionally misconstrued statements are not longer vexatiously furthered in present reports, because authors of those reports for submission in court are directly liable for the verifiable Criminal Code section 132 perjury offence, is the 2013 text of Bloom and Schneider referenced in your affidavit paragraph 7 justified in its denial, or recommended denial, of the harmless trust in common honesty that I require to me?

B.16. Do we agree the foundation of every therapeutic, and therein also medical, relationship to be Trust?

B.17. Do Bloom and Schneider in the text called “Mental Disorder – A Comprehensive and Practical Approach” speak of Gestalt Therapy and, if so, what do they have to say (that I do not disrepute them on the single excerpt you have provided)? [Please provide a copy of the Bloom and Schneider text to me that I may review it.]

B.18. In your charge over medical quality assurance, is it normal procedure to ask the accused in a mental assessment “Please give your account of the index offence”, stated on page 4 of the 11-page 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment (forensic) report, WITHOUT explaining to the accused which index offence is to be described?

B.19. At what point in “a good court related assessment”, affidavit paragraph 9, reporting process are erroneous statements best corrected? [lead into 22 July 2013 transcript.]

B.20 In your capacity to provide or ensure quality assurance, please define MIND for the court that we can be sure, in the balance of probabilities, that the physicians under your charge diagnosing diseases of mind, also understand that, for the ability called memory to remain with mind, the mind is necessarily timelessly eternal nor ultimately divisible into definitions. Please define what you mean when you refer to OUR ONE eternal mind of which I know Me to be a projection. Alternatively, what do you know about AND FOR God?

B.21 If God ensures heaven remains without war such that war is the hallmark of hell, and governments on Earth are able to war with each other, does God embue Satan with authority to keep hell with war or teach amidst hell those that would expand the territory for the only one eternal state possible, Heaven?

B.22 “Who are you if your body is changing all the time and my eternal mind is always with?” [Applies to Self.]

B.23 “A universal theology is impossible but a universal experience is not only possible, it is absolutely necessary.” Can we agree to this A Course In Miracles statement?

B.24 What do you get when I SAY “REAL EYES realize real lies knot real lies realize real-eyes” [Noughts.]

B.25 Refer to Respecting Criminal Code Section 315, Sch.B.25 as a separate post:  

Item Num 16: The 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment of Item Num 4.

Item Num 16:

(16) Item Num 16: The 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment of Item Num 4.

Item Num 15: The Affidavit Of James Leslie Karagianis; dated 30 March 2015; 9 paragraphs

Item Num 15:
(15) Item Num 15: The Affidavit Of James Leslie Karagianis; dated 30 March 2015; 9 paragraphs

Her Majesty The Queen
- v. -
Rene Helmerichs


I, James Leslie Karagianis, of the Town of Port Severn, in the province of Ontario MAKE OATH AND STATE AS FOLLOWS:

1.      I am a psychiatrist licensed either by general or specialist license in the provinces of Ontario and Newfoundland. I have also previously been granted specialist licenses in the provinces of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I concluded my psychiatric residence at Memorial University in Newfoundland in 1990. I am an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Memorial University.

2.      I am currently the Psychiatrist in Chief at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Penetanguishene (“Waypoint”) and have held that position since July 1, 2012. Among my responsibilities are medical affairs; physician leadership; and medical quality assurance. I also maintain a private practice in psychiatry.

3.      Waypoint is a public hospital under the Public Hospitals Act, a Schedule 1 psychiatric facility under the Mental Health Act and a designated hospital under Part XX.I of the Criminal Code, that part of the Code dealing with mentally disordered offenders.

4.      I have conducted over 100 court-ordered assessments during my professional practice and I have been previously recognized as an expert witness for the purpose of testifying at all three levels of court in Newfoundland and Labrador.

5.      The Applicant, Rene Helmerichs, has been ordered to have an assessment with respect to his criminal responsibility in connection with outstanding charges of breach of probation, criminal harassment and fail to appear in court.

6.      Mr. Helmerichs is applying for a court order “... requiring spoken statements of Rene Helmerichs given for the purposes of mental assessment to be audio recorded and a digital copy provided Mr. Helmerichs if the assessment, or reporting thereof, can reasonably affect a detention or further detention of Rene Helmerichs...” The stated grounds for the application include the allegation that “... the current charge for which I am being mentally assessed stems directly from false statements psychiatrists [names omitted] made...” He further asserts that “... testimony cannot be honestly challenged without a first-hand recording...”

7.      It is not usual medical practice for a court-ordered assessment to be audiotaped. As noted in Bloom and Schneider’s 2013 text “Mental Disorder – A Comprehensive and Practical Approach”, in the chapter entitled “The Psycholegal Assessment”, under the heading “Audio and Videotaping the interview”: “Videotaping interviews is not at this point part of the recommended practice of forensic psychiatry in Canada or the United States. There are no policies or practical guidelines from any regulatory body or professional association that direct, or even invite, psychiatric experts to record their interviews in that manner”. To my knowledge, this remains an accurate statement.

8.      In my opinion, there are serious privacy concerns raised in the Application, despite it being the patient who wishes the audiotaping to occur because such recording necessarily captures the words of the psychiatrist as well as the person being assessed. I am very concerned that the fact of being recorded can and will cause a restricting effect on the psychiatrist conducting the interview. In my opinion such a process is not conducive to a psychiatrist being able to conduct the best, most thorough and most comprehensive interview necessary to underpin the most accurate assessment required by the Court. It would be extremely difficult for a psychiatrist to remain objective and not be compromised where there is a risk of the recording being released, as I understand to be a real concern in the within case.

9.      A good court ordered assessment is a broad range inquiry. In the criminal context the assessment almost inevitably involves the patient discussing third parties – be they witnesses, victims or co-accused in the outstanding criminal charges. The privacy interests of these persons are also at risk if the assessment is recorded and particularly if the recording is released to the patient, as is being sought herein.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the Town of Penetanguishene, on March 30th, 2015.

Michele Alice Condren, a Commisioner, etc., Province of Ontario, for Waypoint CENTRE for MENTAL HEALTH CARE. Expires June 4, 2016.

Item Num 14: Schedule B cover page; dated 20 April 2015

Item Num 14:
(14) Item Num 14: Schedule B cover page; dated 20 April 2015

Her Majesty The Queen (Respondent)
- and -
Rene Helmerichs (Applicant)

To The Application served 2 Feb 2015 to have mental assessment interviews audio-recorded. This Schedule B dated and submitted to court file C-14-6966 for review of Mr. James Leslie Karagianis in advance of the 3 July 2015 hearing this 20 APRIL 2015

PREAMBLE: The intent of this advance set of questions for cross-examination of Mr. Karagianis is to simplify the court hearing with thoroughly considered responses. It has been the intent of Mr. Helmerichs for, in the words of Health law expert Lorian Hardcastle of page GT3 of The 15 April 2015 Toronto Star, “a blanket rule, where the College [of Physicians And Surgeons of Ontario] reports all possible criminal activity [of medical professionals] no matter what the case” since 2012, and this merits advance consideration of Mr. Karagianis before his testimony currently scheduled for 3 July 2015. Three items are included in this Schedule B.

Item Num 13: KA 6: APPLICATION 15 APRIL 2015 (6)

Item Num 13:

Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario (Respondant)
- and -
Mr. Rene Helmerichs (Applicant)
Court File Nos.: C-13-205-SCJ, C-14-6966 (Barrie); C-14-3928; C-14-6985, C-14-6986 (Orillia)

I.                     Concise Statement
1.      I require this order to understand what, precisely, is to be “the appropriate answer” to quote Allison Jones of page 11 of 11 of her submitted Psychosocial Assessment (forensic) dated 5 Feb 2015, with respect to “place of birth” of Rene Helmerichs if the culture of Rene Helmerichs is to remain strictly for A Course In Miracles AND Our One God.

II.                   TAKE NOTICE
2.      This is an application under Rule 2.1 of The Rules For Criminal Proceedings for The Ontario Court Of Justice to investigate statements contained in the 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment (forensic) report Allison Jones completed and submitted with inclusion of defame, controvening Criminal Code s.299, false statements (s.361), and evidence of her own communication disorder, OR, in lieu of the requested order, a half-day for Rene Helmerichs to cross-examine Ms. Allison Jones in open court about the statements made in her report.

III.                  GROUNDS FOR THE ORDER
3. The response “I come from Heaven” with 2-paragraph elaboration is fully in accord with JOHN 1:12-13 in The Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) Holy Bible: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

Item Num 12: Fax to Crown Office of 10 March 2015

Item Num 12:
Fax to Crown Office of 10 March 2015

To: The Office Of The Crown Attorneys At Barrie (FAX 705-7396551)
Re: Endorsement For Bail Review Application Assistance

Requested: The 6 Nov 2014 OPP video statement of Rene Helmerichs
Send DVD to: Rene Helmerichs c/o Hsiao Fan-Xiu
No.60 Ancheng Rd., Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City 824, TAIWAN (R.O.C.)
Ms. Hsiao has Power Of Attorney with Mr. Helmerichs and is assisting from Taiwan. The added time-delay is unfortunate.

Grounds for the request:
1.      The Honourable Mr. J.J. Douglas provided endorsement of his own accord on 4 March 2015 for MCSCS C.N.C.C. housing to assist Rene Helmerichs with Bail Review application necessaries for Self-represented charges. The 6 Nov. 2014 video statement in possession of MCSCS OPP is requested of C.N.C.C. with assistance of MAG attorneys.

2.      The video statement to OPP Constable Daniel Lesperance at the Orillia Peter Street detachment on 6 Nov. 2014 was raised at the original December 2014 bail proceedings and is necessary for applications of bail review. Bail has been denied without review of the hour-long statement also required for other applications.

3.      On 13 Feb 2015 crown attorney Ms. Ann Turny heard the 6 Nov 2014 statement to be necessary for the Ontario Works, OW, backpay application as well as the application to have mental assessments, Mas, audio-recorded. It is specifically referenced in paragraphs Sch.A.67-72 and Sch.A.10-11 of The Schedule A to each application, respectively. Hearing for the OW application has not yet been scheduled and the statement is not necessary for the April 1st New Goal Day MA application hearing date but to adduce the application as grounds for appeal to The Superior Court if the MA application is declined in Provincial court.

4.      Ms. Turny is politely corrected of statement insinuating Justice Douglas to have been prejudice against Her Majesty on 4 March 2015. Caselaw in the annotations to Constitution s.15 quoted in paragraph Sch.A.60 of the OW application reminds that Her Majesty, any member of Her Ministries acting in official capacity, does not retain equal benefit under the law for that capacity. Innately, this understanding follows realization that Justices of Her courts are defaulted superiority to every other of Her Ministry representatives, being also in Her service. However, the annotations to Criminal Code s.786(2) imply an accused with in a Summary Conviction proceeding is not at liberty to apply for a stay of proceedings on grounds of unreasonable delay and therewith also not able to claim prejudice, albeit under Constitution s.11(b), against the court of Her Majesty even when such proceeding extends 21 months as it had for Ryan Hamelin from 5 May 2013, until the unlawfully “accepted professional practice” of vexatious authorities (medical, courtroom, or police) is corrected (and a stay of Summary Conviction proceedings automatically applied at the six-month mark from the charged event date).

5.      The phrase “Yes, but...” is not a lawful legal argument for laws founded upon consistency. Individuals who do not innately understand law for consistency should hardly be permitted to refuse or delay an honest request for the 6 Nov 2014 video statement necessary to obtain bail long after crown attorneys offered Rene Helmerichs “time served” on 25 Feb 2015 for the very charges for which bail is still necessary!

6.      Please provide the 6 Nov 2014 video statement to Rene Helmerichs care of his wife in common law and Power Of Attorney Lindsay Hsiao whose contact information is provided at the start.

7.      In Kindness to the same one kind of honesty governing all laws,

Rene Helmerichs, The Bridegroom,

This 9th of March 2015 from C.N.C.C. at Penetanguishene, ON.

Item Num 10: KA 5: APPLICATION 15 APRIL 2015 (5)

Item Num 10:

Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario (Respondent)
- and -
Mr. Rene Helmerichs (Applicant)

I.                     Concise Statement:
1.      If one is truly to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in Ontario, Canada, then there is no just reason to keep me detained following the 25 Feb 2015 crown attorney offers of (1) “time served” and (2) to drop all charges that Rene Helmerichs desires to challenge with findings of (not) criminally responsible, as a global position offered to the record of 25 Feb 2015 at Barrie.

II.                   TAKE NOTICE:
2.      This is application under Rule 2.1 of The Rules for Criminal Proceedings Of The Ontario Court Of Justice to have crown representative of the record for 13 April 2015, file number C-15-072-SCJ for C-14-6985 and C-14-6986, at Barrie investigated for Obstruction Of Justice in contravention of The Rules For Professional Conduct Rule 6 and Rule 1 of The Rules for EITHER OR BOTH The Provincial Court and Superior Court Of Ontario.

III.                  GROUNDS FOR THE ORDER
3.      Hearing Rene Helmerichs relay his inability to supply the court with supporting documents to The Bail Review Application as ONE complete Bail Review Application, the attending crown insisted the statement to be not true rather than ask for the specific rippling necessaries (the 6 Nov 2014 OPP video statement) repeatedly already requested of Her Majesty.


Item Num 9: KA 4: APPLICATION 15 APRIL 2015 (4)

Item Num 9:

Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario (Respondent)
- and -
Mr. Rene Helmerichs (Applicant)

I.                     Concise Statement:
1.      I require this application because attorneys for Her Majesty have not evidenced medical authorities as an equal aspect of Her Majesty in courts for law, having therein caused me great delay at receiving fair hearing in our courts for law and delay for mental healthcare.

II.                   TAKE NOTICE:
2.      This is an application for a criminal investigation into The Office Of The Crown Attorney attorney representatives having first repeatedly insisted me to be with mental disorder from 4 March 2013 until 6 Nov 2013 before then insisting me to be criminally responsible for the offence of C-13-205 (SCJ), and C-14-3928, C-14-6966, C-14-6985, and C-14-6986 thereafter, in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.

III.                  GROUNDS FOR THE ORDER
3.      The 5 April 2015 letter of psychiatrist Mr. Gunter Lorberg states me, Rene Helmerichs, to be suffering from a mental disorder satisfying the Criminal Code section 16(1) requirement.

4.      Page 2 of 11 of The Psychosocial Assessment (forensic) dated 5 Feb 2015 lists 12 instances of application by physician in Form 1 having accompanied me to court which the crown attorneys, with candor of The Lawyer Rules, were to apply with s.672.12(3)(b).

Item Num 8: KA 2: APPLICATION 15 APRIL 2015 (2)

Item Num 8:

Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario (Respondent)
- and -
Mr. Rene Helmerichs (Applicant)
Court File Nos.: C-13-205-SCJ, C-14-6966 (Barrie); C-14-3928; C-14-6985; C-14-6986 (Orillia).

I.                     Concise reason:
1.      I require this order because Ms. Hull accepted at plea of guilty to provincial matter C-14-3928 on 24 Feb 2015 at Orillia knowing me to be with severe mental disorder.

II.                   TAKE NOTICE
2.      This is an application for an order under Rule 2.1 of The Ontario Criminal Court Of Justice to investigate crown attorney Ms. Kathryn Hull for Criminal Negligence contrary to Criminal Code section 219, 141, and Rule 6 of The Rules For Professional Conduct (aka The Lawyer Rules) for her role in permitting the trier of facts for matter C-13-205-SCJ (originating the probation order allegedly breached in the current matters before this Honourable Court) to conduct trial following 2 May 2014 ruling (repeated 16 June 2014) expressly denying Mr. Helmerichs to raise the issue of not criminally responsible. If leave of the court is necessary, it is herewith requested with appeal also to the provincial C-14-3928 matter.

III.                  GROUNDS FOR THE ORDER
3. Ms. Hull heard on 22 July 2013, lines 3-5 on page 15 of the transcript filed 1 April 2015 under Barrie C-14-6966, “That’s an issue that Dr. Van Impe does allude to, in the July 2nd report.” Additional psychiatric evidence is reference in the 5 Feb 2015 Psychosocial Assessment (attached).

Item Num 7: Letters of Mr. William Komer

Item Num 7:
Letters of Mr. William Komer

(1) Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
500 Church Street, Penetanguishene ON L9M 1G3
705-549-3181 www.waypointcentre.ca

February 3, 2015

Honourable Justice W.G. Beatty
Ontario Court of Justice
700 Memorial Avenue, Orillia, ON L3V 6J3

Your Honour:

D.O.B.: 1977/03/02
Our MRN: WP00043125

Further to your Assessment Order dated December 29, 2014, Mr. Helmerichs was admitted to the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Penetanguishene on January 5, 2015. He has refused to speak with me unless the meetings are audio recorded and stated that he would be posting anything documented on the Internet. Mr. Helmerichs has been derogatory to me. Under the circumstances, I am unable at this time or in the future to do an assessment of him.

Your sincerely,

William Komer, MD, FRCP(C)
Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Provincial Forensic Programs Division

(2) Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
500 Church Street, Penetanguishene ON L9M 1G3
705-549-3181 www.waypointcentre.ca

February 3, 2015

Honourable Justice C. Mathias-McDonald
Ontario Court of Justice
75 Mulcaster Street, Barrie, ON L4M 3P2

Your Honour:

D.O.B.: 1977/03/02
Our MRN: WP00043125

Further to your Assessment Order dated January 19, 2015, Mr. Helmerichs has been at the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Penetanguishene. He has refused to speak with me unless it is auto recorded and stated that he would be posting anything documented on the Internet. Mr. Helmerichs has been derogatory to me. Under the circumstances, I am unable at this time or in the future to do an assessment of him.

Your sincerely,

William Komer, MD, FRCP(C)
Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Provincial Forensic Programs Division