Saturday, September 26, 2015

Chiselling The Government

Chiselling The Government

By: Rene Helmerichs
Written: 25 Sept. 2015

On 24 Sept. 2015, psychiatrist Mr. Leslie Wong accused Rene Helmerichs of claiming to want to destroy the government. Rene corrects the witch-doctor’s perspective. Chiselling is not destroying.

The next day, Rene faxed the crown attorney and court an application requesting the court to order Mr. Wrong to permit Rene to take accurate notes in their mental hellth sessions:

The chiselling is the un from unfit to stand trial. Mr. Wong considers Mr. Helmerichs mentally psychotic, as do many other people. Fortunately, section 3.2-9 of The Rules Of Professional Conduct, the rules governing lawyers’ licenses in Canada, obligate lawyers to consider the defendant mentally well while the defendant passes The Operating Mind Test, of the annotations to Constitution section 7 in Martin’s Criminal Code 2014 (likely also 2015), for the express purpose of demonstrating fitness.

The debate is whether a witch-doctor can trump The Rules. Rene can be put on the stand to answer the accompanying fitness questions. However, as with God everything is possible and the Holy spirit leaves none in the dark, Rene intends to answer simply “the question is illegal unless the questioner is allowed to entertain a presumption of unfitness contrary to The Rules.” After which, the debate can continue...

... after hearing the application linked above to have mental assessment statements recorded. This is the latest chip off the catch-22 blog.

The Unanswerable Fitness Questions courtesy of witch-doctor Wong:
1)     What charges are you facing?
You will be expected to know the charges that you are facing.
2)     What pleas are available at court?
   Not Guilty (Innocent)
3)     What is the role of the judge in court?
The judge listens to both sides (defense and crown) and makes the final decision regarding the guilt or innocence of an accused. The judge will also determine the sentencing or will order your release if found innocent.
4)     What is the role of the crown prosecutor in court?
The crown prosecutor represents the state, the police or the victim of the incident. He/she does not represent the accused.
5)     What is the role of the defense attorney?
The defense lawyer represents the person who had been charged (accused) with a crime. They represent this person and will speak for you in court.
6)     Do you have a lawyer and can you trust him/her?
7)     Will you be able to instruct your lawyer as to what you want to happen in court?
Your lawyer will expect you to tell him whether you are guilty or innocent of the charge and to instruct him as to what you want to happen in court.
8)     What is an oath taken in court?
An oath is to swear to tell the truth in court. It is often taken with your hand on a holy book.
9)     What happens if you lie in court? Do you know what this is called?
This is called perjury. If you lie in court you may be charged with perjury, ordered to jail or warned and released.
10) What happens if you plead guilty?
If you plead guilty, the judge will decide on some time of punishment. He/she may want you to serve additional jail time or may release you into the community on probation.
11) What happens if you plead not guilty?
The judge will order a trial.
12) What happens at a trial?
The judge will listen to arguments from the defense attorney and the crown prosecution. He/she will then make a decision, based on what he has heard from both sides, as to whether or not you are guilty or innocent of the charge. If you are found guilty the judge will then decide on punishment. If you are found not guilty the judge will order your release.

We’ve trusted psychiatrists to do the job of a judge. They refuse to let us record our fitness assessment statements. How is that legal?

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