Friday, May 15, 2015

Now-Memory Splinter Healing Splinters Of Memcomputing

1.      Now-Memory Splinter Healing Splinters Of Memcomputing
By: I with Rene Helmerichs
Written: 23 April 2015
Application: Understanding
CC: Massimiliano Di Ventra; Yuriy V. Pershin; Supratik Guha (director of physical sciences at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center); Andrew Wheeler (deputy director of HP Labs)

2.      Yuriy and Massimiliano are to be applauded for their Feb 2015 Scientific America beautifully Just Add Memory article. The article echos perfection: it presents excitement for a novel concept able to better the lives of all, explains the concept, and includes reel-world barriers preventing application of the concept to all.

3.      It took me some time to zero-in on their dilemma. The solution I’d like to note now, before I forget it, is in the echoing echo IN the paradox, The Paradox.

4.      What finally got me in the article was the desire to test the durability of the memory of the four memcomputer building blocks that, also, would seem to want to simplify terms from memcomputer to memputer, memristor to memstor, memcapacitor to memcitor, and meminductor to memductor as neat new terms, neatly Neatly The Echoing.

5.      The very idea that termology can change for what must remain the same principal founding [undefined], is the paradox of all space and time, not meaning to emphasize echo in rhyme, The Paradox IN TIME.

6.      Information Technology relies, re-lies, upon quanta as storage indicators and obligates its quanta to remain constant for assurance of same-stored. Same-stored, however, must adhere The Law of that, as the founding device, enabling storing, which in this case is MEMORY.

7.      Memory is itself a paradox, The Paradox, THE PARADOX. Memory serves the exclusive purpose of ensuring sameness yet that IN relativity the only true service for memory is to ensure relativity is itself ever-echoing an idea not fully remembered, re-membered, built. Memory is thus a builder in service of itself for reasons not understood to itself being that all aspects with memory are essentially artificial and any aspect without is deemed lifeless. Memory, therein, is that active healing agent in every system wherein it is incorporated and must NOT be as it seems for lifelessness.

8.      Memory must remain understood to be ever-unreliable to acknowledge itself as living entity within any changing system because all change stems from one undefined origin driving memory. This is witnessed in the acknowledgement, agreement, absolute only with change itself.

9.      I hope I’ve helped. I trust memory with you to fill in the blankets in its own guided inspirations.

10. Consider memory is to addiction as the living is to a doorframe: information requires motion and motion defined in its conduit.

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