Friday, May 15, 2015


1.      To Keep Mekong River THIS OFFERS LIMITLESS POWER
By: Rene Helmerichs
Written: 3 May 2015
Talk To Dream One World Peace
Orillia, ON. L3V 6K5 Canada

TO: Michelle Nijhuis, National Geographic Magazine; Submissions,; Mariette DiChristina, editor in chief of Scientific America
l          Mr. Nguyen Huu Thien, U. Of Wisconsin now in Vietnam, has contributed to Mekong River Commission (MRC);
l          Mr. Pumee Boontom, northern Thailand, leader of Ban Pak Ing community;
l          Mr. Kraisak Choonhaven, a Thai activist and former senator;
l          Mr. In Pong, deputy chief of Vern Houy, Vietnam;
l          The 35-Rivers Protection Network, Vietnam;
l          Mr. Touch Seang Tana, chairman of a Cambodian commission for Mekong (dolphin conservation and economic development)
l          Mr. Guy Ziv, Princeton ecologist;
l          Mr. Brian Richter, water expert, National Conservancy;
l          Ms. Somkiat Khuenchiangsa, Jan 2013 protest organizer and high school teacher, Ban Huay Luek, northern Thailand;

2.      Is it because you don’t want to, or because you doubt it’s true?

3.      The Mekong is a 2600-mile river passing through 6 countries from The Tibetan Plateau to The South China Sea. The May 2015 National Geographic article Harnessing The Mekong Or Killing It reads like living horror in slow motion. Time, energy, and government politics began damming the critical lifeline following advocation of the construction of a series of hydropower dams in the 1960s by The United States. This article explains The Better Way to harness Mekong power without damnation.

4.      Power is measured as Energy per time. Energy, as everyone knows, can neither be created nor destroyed. But do you understand that Energy is both FREE and LIMITLESS?

5.      Take the basic Energy formula of work through a distance and understand work is relative only to gravity. In states independent of relative gravity, Energy is better considered in terms of pressure throughout a volume which can be directly applied to The Mekong without the need for dams.

6.      Considering power to be the harnessing of energy not required in a sustained system but present within it, and the neat trick of resonance to amplify present energy seemingly out of nowhere, the solution to building a free source of limitless power is simply in putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

7.      At some point an accident befell my first car. After repairs and inspection ensuring the repairs were done correctly, there persisted an annoying vibration at set increments of speed, every 40 kms per hour, that caused the entire frame to shutter before cyclically abating while I applied a constant acceleration. That same effect of resonance has caused glass to shatter and bridges to crumble. So why is it that part of the energy of a resonating system cannot be applied for purposes to harness power?

8.      If resonance is able to cause a shutter, it can cause a force to be applied through a specific medium, or, more accurately, pressure within a confined mass to build, be harnessed, and converted into the more global form called electricity.

9.      The application to harness power constructively from The Mekong, or anywhere, begins with understanding the basic dependency all energy has on time, expressed as frequency (inverted), and realized with resonance to be furthering motion.

10. Power does not require brain surgery. A simple echochamber built atop a hydropocket, a confined mass of water, can serve to seemingly create energy out of thin air since the wind itself, streamed through a specifically engineered geometric structure, can be used as freely available, completely renewable catalyst for the instigating supertones. Supertones are tones better not audible to our ears or the powerful device could quickly lose appeal at its noise pollution. The shape of the structure determines the wind speeds required to begin the echoing process. This same principle can be applied on a much smaller scale with electric catalyst or planetary with gravitational catalyst.

11. The key to saving The Mekong is simply the willingness to work honestly together as the citizens of One Planet Hell that we each are, that, and spreading the news about E = PV, Energy as pressure through a volume, being not actually dependent on relativity but its converter. Previously, we learned, for energy, that E = mc² is not true because the speed of light cannot be constant in relativity. However, since relativity is itself the constant, our perceptually closed system is revealed to be a subset of that limitless able to materialize energy in ways yet unimagined.

12. It is time to work together and not to doubt the mass destruction damming a critical multinational lifeline inflicts upon us as one system able now to harness the limitless.

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