Saturday, August 8, 2015

Helping Lawyers Follow Their Laws

Helping Lawyers Follow Their Laws

This petition follows practice parting intent for the law of Criminal Code of Canada sections 786 and 787, intended to offer prosecutors option for a simplified summary conviction proceeding with 6-month cap on pre-sentence and sentence total-time convict incarceration.

The law is currently circumvented to deny the ability to proceed via indictment, to deny accused individuals the option of a trial by jury, and compounded in Ontario prosecution practices, such as that of Kathryn Elizabeth Hull at Barrie for Rene Helmerichs on 8 June 2015, that insist a superior court bail review is to be every 90 days despite the 30 days prescribed under section 525 of the Code.

Together we make a stand against-and-with Rene Helmerichs who is one of countless Canadians each costing tax-labourers hundreds of thousands in unnecessary courtroom delay for indefinite pre-sentence incarcerations legally divergent judges and crowns unyieldingly institute.

Main petition

We, the undersigned, petition The Law Society Of Upper Canada (LSUC) to immediately suspend licenses of members such as Ms. Kathryn Hull who repeatedly demonstrate personal ethics, actions figuratively louder than words, counter-intuitive to the singular spirit of The Constitution Of Canada and duly petition the LSUC to ensure its members extend Its same governance into all forensic areas demonstrably not inline with The Rules For Professional Conduct of Constitution advocates (i.e. legal professionals assess legal permission to receive unbiased courtroom consideration.)

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