Friday, August 21, 2015

Now Old News Posted For Prosperity

1.      Now Old News Posted For Prosperity
Attention: Vincent Zenobio, court-appointed lawyer for me.
By: Rene Helmerichs
Written: 26 July 2015
Length: 28 para.

2.      This letter follows my 20 July 2015 tearful plea to you in person for honesty in the courthouse at Barrie.

3.      Please find included sufficient evidence for any of Constitution sections 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 52, or, and in particular for the cruel and what should be unusual punishment, application under section 12. Please complete and submit the necessary application on my behalf if you are to represent me. If you are only to represent the court, then please complete the application in the language of the court on my behalf, since I cannot be expected to accomplish anything from a place of detention blocking even my ability to call you at any of the phone numbers your assistant provided on 23 July 2015.

4.      The Barrie courthouse judge Mr. Wilson is not fit to continue the practice of law. Mr. Wilson has repeatedly demonstrated himself prejudice in a manner that should not be tolerated by The Law Society Of Upper Canada and I duly petition you to submit a formal complaint to the LSUC on our behalf.

Brief Background.

5.      On 24 June 2015, for the charge of failure to appear (I had called in sick to court as crowns are permitted to do.), charged 8 Dec 2014, judge Mr. Meijers re-ordered the assessment for fitness to stand trial and ordered an amicus lawyer to assist me talk sense to the wayward prosecutor Kathryn Hull.

6.      The original Criminal Code s.672.11(a) order of judge Mr. Beatty dated 5 May 2015, extended 26 May 2015, was returned negative. The assessing psychiatrist Mr. William Komer at Waypoint Centre stated, in a letter to the court dated 3 Feb 2015, that he could not complete an assessment “now or in the future” while I desired my statements audio-recorded. As I still desire my statements audio-recorded, I wonder how he is able to submit an assessment result without the charge of perjury also to him.

7.      We can presume that he accepted a test completed in writing to fulfill my need for recorded statements. I remind the court of my need following intentionally misconstrued statements recounted in paragraphs 4 to 72 of a document given to Mr. Zenobio on 20 July 2015 also available at titled GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY NOW. The marvel is that one can be deemed not fit to stand trial for answering a test not incorrectly (i.e. needs that the desired answers were not taught before administering the test.

8.      For Mr. Komer now to ask the court for a treatment order, that I be medicated for not miraculously answering the questions with answers I was never taught, is insanity. Mr. Komer evidences to every tax-labourer the extent of psychiatric fraud in the very fact that Mr. Komer has now submitted the same request for medication AFTER my complaint to The College Of Physicians And Surgeons Of Ontario about his earlier insistence that an assessment could not be done! Nor did he retest for the 24 June 2015 order.

9.      As you are well aware, the issue is not that I do not know what an oath is, or perjury, or the ways to plead (loudly, softly, or continuously in silence through blogs and petitions online), but that the Ontario government absolutely refuses to consider honesty. I provide Mr. Wilson as a typical example of the justice ill-served the public in the Ontario courthouse at Barrie.

Regarding Judge Mr. Wilson (The Dishonourable)

10. On 14 March 2013, I first met the man. I stood through a 45-minute judicial pretrial (JPT) self-represented. I requested knowledge and the means to prepare Charter applications. I had been incarcerated for only 11 days, had no prior Criminal Court experience, and, really, knew a lot less than I do now over 3 years and 100 or more self-represented appearances later. On that day, Mr. Wilson denied me access to The Criminal Code, the most fundamental of courtroom knowledge accessibility.

11. On 5 April 2013, at the behest of some Ministry Of The Attorney General employee (so, either the crown attorney, or the judge, or courtroom duty counsel, or a legal aid representative) on amicus lawyer was ordered for then file C-13-1184-OCJ. The role of the amicus, as we know, is to act impartially and fairly. The amicus is not intended to assist the crown convince me to plea guilty that I might continue to blog from outside jail. It was Mr. Wilson who released the amicus on 15 May 2013 despite my desire, despite the court rules, and despite refusal of Mr. Wilson to receive the contents of the blog post GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY NOW on that day, the 15th of May.

12. Fast-forward through the 2 Aug 2013 ordered assessment of criminal responsibility psychiatrists Wesley Sutton and Karen DeFreitas were simply permitted to never complete despite Criminal Code s.672.2(2), s.129, and the $60,000 or so in assessment costs to the Ontario public. You might recall some of this, Mr. Zenobio, as you became amicus after Neil Riley. On 1 Oct 2013, you’d managed to get yourself removed only to re-appear on 28 Oct 2013 for a sick day, if memory serves.

13. On 18 Oct 2013, Mr. Wilson orcastrated another judicial pretrial for C-13-1184-OCJ. Unbeknownst to me, then morally corrupt justice held the JPT without me present, without my consent for absence, and with a lawyer whom I did explicitly not give consent to represent me when I appeared in court later that day following the 10am JPT. At about 2pm he actually insinuated a JPT had NOT taken place without me and then on 28 Oct 2013 graced me with honesty to say that it had. It was then that I’d written the first blog post against him, and forwarded a copy to The Ontario Council For Judicial Review not having knowledge nor access to make a formal complaint to the LSUC.

14. On 6 Nov. 2013, I listened to Mr. Wilson claim mental illness comes and goes, with reference to me after the crown prosecutor’s comment to yourself, Mr. Zenobio, if you recall? I had tried to get out of his court by escalating the case into the superior court. The dishonourable Mr. Wilson had me return on 8 Nov 2013 just to be sure that was what I really desired. It turns out he was right that the superior court is even less honourable than the lower court at Barrie, if that’s at all possible.

15. I didn’t have paper on which to write a Charter s.11(6) app., so used the back of the crown disclosure to submit to court on Dec 2013. On 1 April 2014, crown attorney Ms. Kathryn Hull gave written statement denying me a complete crown disclosure for trial, siting my normal right under Criminal Code section 315 to have offended her. On 2 May 2014, she managed to have superior court injustice rule that psychiatric evidence was not to be permitted for my defence and therein established the ensuing guilty verdict victory for herself since none of GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY NOW, my entire reason for bringing the matter into criminal court with the first ever formal criminal charge against me, could then be submitted. I’ve already launched a formal complaint to the LSUC against her, file LSUC-2015-169169, and shall add an endless more until she is disbarred or partners.

16. I’m not playing games, readers. Try to talk sense to the crowns for me. See the first of many petitions online at titled Discrepancies Between Intent And Practice For The Choice linked at and carefully review its supporting document GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY NOW, paragraphs 4 to 72 of which you have also in that titled Requesting Correction To Our Record, Vince.

17. Please realize I’m in this one for life, literally eternal life, and know myself to adhere the one law of not exclusivity. Since you may not understand what I mean, let us simply agree that I’ll have a lot of seeming luck on my side as I turn absolutely every argument thrown at me into an equally and more valid argument to use against whomever is accusing me of whatever. I’m not bound to be anyone’s friend, so let’s just agree to work together for the same one honesty, okay?

18. It is true sufferers of mental illness do not recognize their psychosis. Ms. Kathryn Hull is demonstrated psychotic on the Superior Court record of 8 June 2015 while arguing a summary conviction proceeding to qualify for a bail review every 90 days under Criminal Code s.525 (not true). She is demonstrably adverse to her own employer with given 8 June 2015 insistence that the wrong matter before the court was correct. To this day, Natalie’s 35th birthday in the Taiwanese way, the charge of criminal harassment also of 8 Dec 2014, has neither received bail review hearing (excepting the single emergency hearing adjournment of 11 May 2015) nor fair consideration for validity “in all the circumstances” given GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY NOW has yet to be honestly for you considered.

19. There remain the outstanding matters of a second petition, that for clarification why detention contravening Criminal Code sections 786 and 787 is permitted, and statement of Ms. Hull on 23 July 2015. We recognize this way seem trivial to you, but it is that for which I remain incarcerated, the endless process for delay.

20. On 23 July 2015, birthday of the late Stephaine Theresa Holts (1990-2012), Ms. Hull ruefully declared the application of 30 Jan 2015, to have statements given for purposes of a mental assessment audio-recorded, had been abandoned on 17 July 2015 following statement of chief psychiatrist James Karagianis on page 37 of the 3 July 2015 transcript that I desired a recording for ability to verify my statements only because I was mentally ill and, therefore, should not need to be provided the ability. Ms. Hull had offered the 19 Nov 2015 date to continue its hearing and I simply felt the wait unreasonable since 30 Jan 2015. That Mr. Komer refreshed need for the application on 20 July 2015 simply has me start the process all over again, and this wastes only public funds and is therefore dishonest. Arrest Ms. Hull.

21. Happy Birthday Natalie Yewchyn; arrest her finally too. Charges were sworn at the 21 Oct 2013 bail proceedings for C-13-1184-OCJ for which Ms. Hull has to this day not provided me a transcript, despite court orders for one.

My Desire For You (Ubitiquous You)

22. My Desire is of course for harm to none. However, as honesty seems mispeceived, my cautions usually come off appearing as threats while they are actually only well-meaning, pardon the pun.

23. On 24 June 2015, judge Mr. Neijers ordered an amicus specifically because I desired assurance that I would be let to direct my defence per R.v. Swain (1991) and common decency since I AM mentally capable. On 20 July 2015, Mr. Zenobio was ordered on board. That a hearing was held on 23 July 2015 without Mr. Zenobio present makes no sense since the same dishonourable Mr. Wilson ordered an adjournment on 28 or 30 (one of those two; memory is inherently NOT reliable) Oct 2013 (check the years) for lack of presence of the same Mr. Zenobio acting in the same capacity as amicus.

24. Mr. Zenobio on 20 July 2015 indicated belief that he is representing me. As amicus, Mr. Zenobio is not legally permitted to cross-examine Mr. Komer. However, cross-examining a guy in a court where all listen not to what I actually say, doesn’t work either. So, if we’re agreed the courthouse at Barrie is fully insane, we might as well let an amicus do the cross-examination and blame him if the contents of this letter aren’t enough to deem me fit, yes?

25. Thereafter, we can send me for an assessment of MY morals under Criminal Code s.672.11(b), and then watch as I demand an English-language interpreter given the Constitution s.2(b) definition of language in the annotations to Martin’s Criminal Code 2014. If push comes to shouve over that request, English IS my second language after German and a German or Constitutionally sanctioned French language interpreter shall suffice as well. The interpreter can then bill by the hour while we wait to have the issue of audio-recording the assessment first resolved, resolve itself.

26. Eventually. I have full confidence that you too shall find common sense and identify more with me than your current nonsense. The “you” to which I refer is ubitiquous, just to be clear.

27. Vince, I’m sincerely appreciative of your assistance and willingness to defend for me, but you’ll have to assist me to have these matters tossed out of court with serious Charter applications, and argue for audio-recording of psychiatric statements. If you want a case to give you at least national recognition, this is the one. Involve the media. One cannot suck and blow at the same time, unless playing to one’s own musical tune, and must do one or the other.

28. Partnership, to Kate, begins with signing the petition at

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