Friday, August 21, 2015

Pure Logic: explaining God

Pure Logic: explaining God

1.      If everything came from one thing than the first thing was a seaming split from some-not-thing not definable but began the motion of all thing.
2.      Because memory is the ability to bridge two points in time, one experienced as a subsat of another, mind containing memory not exist beyond concept of all time, beyond perception, beyond perceived motion, the bridge to all spaces.
3.      Alternatively, one can say time is always changing and therefore establishes the state underlying all ways to exist.
4.      The original same-not-thing, The Collective common mind, is established with constancy beyond expressible somethings and inclusive of all things, being all ultimately the single not-thing that was and eternally is still keeping us ticking.
5.      The idea that sprang the first split is the ever-splitting idea driving change for all eternity but within wholeness.
6.      And that comes up every relative religious concept in a not-religious, completely logical scientifically plausible way.

By Rene Helmerichs,

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